Diesel Ryder/Snowryder Stealth Grow


Well-Known Member
Pictures of my last Diesel Lady. I am putting it in the dark today for a couple days to see if it is any better. Then time to cut. If I don't see an improvement I wont take any pics before I chop. So enjoy. :peace:

Also I have turned my light to 24 hours about a week ago to keep it warmer in there they seem to grow/respond faster when in the 70's, instead of 60's.



Well-Known Member
nice pics dan id like to know if leaving the plant in a 24hr dark period would work or do anything. but hey i just posted pics too chek em out.


Well-Known Member
Here are my 1 and half and partial diesels remaining. They will be pulled down this weekend for final dry weight and cure. :mrgreen: Pictures 1-5 are the plant i swear is a Ak47 auto looks nothing like the other plants smells so dank and is bulking up the most Tops cola is so fat almost soda can size. The other 2 are the plants i had cut half of one and the other is just a little bit of buds i didn't want premature.
Well it is posible.


Well-Known Member
72 hours isnt really that necessary, 24 hours is ideal for letting the plants know they are ready for the long awaited chop and produces that little bit extra resin production


Well-Known Member
Checked on my plant in the dark, I can't tell any difference in trichs, ill check it later tonight and see how she looks after 24 hours.


Well-Known Member
I clipped a leaf and checked the trich's, I couldn't tell any difference.

So i chopped her down. Here she is a hanging looks to be my largest yielder out of the Diesels. Smells nothing like the other diesels but its chronic for sure. :bigjoint:
All left in my room are the 3 Snowryders and half a Diesel.



Well-Known Member
I need help I am gonna order seeds tonight can't decide what I wanna get. I am defiantly getting 1 pack of 5 female Lowlife Auto Ak47. I Am thinking about maybe getting another 10 pack of Snowryders and keeping a male alive long enough to get pollen for sure. Or maybe just get 2 packs of the Ak's? Or maybe Auto White Russian?


Well-Known Member
Ya i think it was a Ak seed just mixed up in the diesel but who knows. Im just worried not having enough light to keep a male alive at this point for snowryder seeds.... maybe I should wait till next grow and try to get a seed room set up by next harvest?


Well-Known Member
Just ordered 2 packs (5 seeds) of Auto AK47's. Want to keep similar heights in the room, also If i do like these i might get a regular pack later and seed.