difference between CFL and HPS in electricity consumption and monthly cost


difference between CFL and HPS in electricity consumption and monthly cost ???
400 watt HPS vs 400 watt cfl (20 blub 20 watt) ?? which difference i talk about cost and electricity consumption ??!!



Well-Known Member
400 watts is 400 watts. It will cost the same. But you ill get way more efficiency in terms of lumens per watt out of an HPS over any other grow light.


Well-Known Member
it gets the job done , it will save energy .
but if you compare 400 watts of CFLS to one 400 HPS .

the HPS will look far better .. (from what ive seen myself , I dont mean to offend any CFL-ers)


it gets the job done , it will save energy .
1. HOW ??
if 400 watts of cfl = 400 watts of hps (monthly cost the same).
2. HPS light system is better have more lumens and cfl blub have a high price ....... 85 watts of CFL = 400 watts of HPS (online price)
why people buy cfl bulbs ? What CFL better than HPS ?

thank you


Well-Known Member
because regular incandescent lightbulbs use a lot more watts for comparable size. cfls are brighter and use less watts..
like how a regular bulb is usually 60-100 watts, cfls of the same size are usually 23 watts...


Well-Known Member
400w/cfl=400w/hps .. but the prices are different. wayyyy different. and u can mix spectrums, cfls do have some advantages, they also stay wayyyy cooler than hps which helps with cooling cost. i have a 63w cfl bulb i paid 20 dollars for, and several 23watters that were below ten dollars for 4 both for my mothers and i have an hps for flowering so im not really biased on bulbs. they both have there advantages and flaws


Well-Known Member
the amount of lumens in the red and blue color spectrum are the ones that count. so if hps has 10,000 lumens and say 5000 of those lumens are in the red and 1000 in the blue that makes 6000 usable lumens. ok so if u take 10000 lumens of soft white 2500 k cfl that would be red spectrum... out of those 10000lumens there is less red then a hps and just alittle more blue and alittle more green and yellows. this makes plants grow fast and more veg and steams rather then bud. so i think u would need at least500watts of cfl to = 400 hps. i just threw these number together i really have no id. but nothing is better hps for flowering. im a led man and wont even bother fighting that fight. not only that but cfl cost alot more set up then hps.


Active Member
keep in mind...20 cfls with 20 watts each DOES NOT mean 400w worth of light...its merely 20 watts of light over a broader area! its intensity you want..and 400w hps will actually consume 430w of power....my 600w runnin 18/6, 2 fans, water pump, and water heater raised electric bill by about 25-30 bucks a month...

also, you must take into consideration the ballast you use w/ur HID. magnetic ballast are loud, and more inefficient than a digi. Digis increase lumen output slightly over a magnetic, increase bulb life (no rough "cold" starts), warm the bulb quicker, and are all around more convinient...if your gunna lay down cash for HID, go digi on the ballast...lumatek or sun systems work well...

like they said, cfls are good for veg, but flowerin they just wont cut the cake if your wantin yield...after all, if your spendin months growin between harvests, why not go for the extra size? good luck!