Difference in temps inside the room??


Active Member
Hello RIU

Just a quick question concerning temps inside my box. I have two different thermometers, just to be safe. So I have my digi thermometer sitting on top of my soil right next to my plant, and it reads 80-87F~ with 150w HPS and 65w cfl running. On the other hand, my other thermometer just sitting on the floor of the box reads around 85-90F~. So when temps hit almost 90F in the actual box, the area around my plant is only 80-83F, is this normal? Should I check my thermometers? B/c the one that i keep on the ground was a .99 cents one at walmart, but it still reads fairly close to what my digital one reads.

Another question kinda related to this maybe, my soil mix is roughly 65/35 FFOF to perlite. I've watered only twice so far in the past three days, first was to transplant the auto from jiffy -> soil. I used maybe 1/2 gallon of water in my one gallon air pot? And last night I watered just enough till I saw some run off on the bottom and stopped. My soil seems to start to feel dry real fast, even in the middle area, hardly sticking to my hands. Is it due to the perlite? Or the heat just drying it out? Should I keep them a little on the dry side? Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
Answer #1-To be safe, get your temps under 84 F degrees, asap, now...
ANYTHING overthe 84 you see, will burn your plants... mount temp control gauge at the top of your plants.
You want the temps at the top, not the soil, my soil runs 6-9f degrees less....
Indoor Heat will kill your plant, move air around quickly, go invest in a better fan, or AC unit...
NOW!! Your plants are dying as I type this !


Well-Known Member
Another question kinda related to this maybe, my soil mix is roughly 65/35 FFOF to perlite. I've watered only twice so far in the past three days, first was to transplant the auto from jiffy -> soil. I used maybe 1/2 gallon of water in my one gallon air pot? And last night I watered just enough till I saw some run off on the bottom and stopped. My soil seems to start to feel dry real fast, even in the middle area, hardly sticking to my hands. Is it due to the perlite? Or the heat just drying it out? Should I keep them a little on the dry side? Thanks in advance
How big are your plants, I assume small seedlings or clones....
You water small seedlings different than you do a full sized plant...
Once the small plant is watered in, do not water it so much that it will just float away, on the soil...
You watered it in/through now just keep the young thing moist, not soaked...for now, your plant/pot you felt the dry weight when you started right?
Do not let it get overly dry, either....
Good Luck....
You have a Hot Box.... if you were a chick, kewl...
If you are growing MJ in it... cool it off !


Active Member
Thanks sand for the reply, today I swapped out my 150w HPS + 23w cfl set up for one 65w 6500k cfl and one 55w 5000k cfl for veg, and I'll put in the 150w HPS during flower. Right now, the box temp is around 73F, and the temp next to my plant is 75F. Soil I believe mine is actually 6-7 degrees colder as well. Will that be ok? I'm kind of scared to turn my lights off right now, because it gets too cold. And yes my plant is only about an inch tall right now. And the weight thing is kinda iffy, I just dig my finger around the sides to the middle to feel for moisture. I feel like I might have to water it every two days or so which doesn't really feel right o.o