different height plants with cfl??

I have 3 plants (unknown sex). one plant is 12 inches high, the other plants are only 8 inches high.

My light fixture is 1 inch above the tall plant. I topped the tall plant at 11 inches hoping it would give the short ones time to catch up.

I want to start flowering soon ( Micro grow) but i am worried the short plants wont get enough light. Or should i wait a couple weeks for more growth.

Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
i'd think your topping would more than equalize the difference in heights - topping will slow a plant dramatically for a week or so - the smaller plants will likely overtake your taller plant
i'd think your topping would more than equalize the difference in heights - topping will slow a plant dramatically for a week or so - the smaller plants will likely overtake your taller plant
This is my first grow with this box. i had heat problems at the begining and had to modify the box with a air vented light reflector ( homemade) But i scorched the plants when they were on their first node. Do you guys think i stunted the growth?

BTW 3 plants are in the same big pot ( bad decision, I know)

Thanks for the input guys


Well-Known Member
mj is such a tough plant - if your plants are 8 and 11 inches - whatever you did, didn't affect them that much
but the 3 plants in 1 pot - not good - untopped the 2 8 inch plants will like get near 3 feet if you start flowering now
however the likely starving of nutes would cut down on the height


Active Member
flower some might be males... i have heard that males are normaly taller than females so u might end up having to kill the tall ones


Well-Known Member
You will get different sized plants for many reasons and also because you have them all in the same pot. The root systems are fighting each other for space and food. Its likely the bigger one will continue to outgrow the others as its root system is likely to have taken up the most space already and thus will get the most water and feed.


Well-Known Member
consider moving your CFL lights around. Move em farther from the big girl, and closer to the smaller ones, so they get more of the light-energy :)


Well-Known Member
Under fluros it's easier to shim smaller plants upward than to keep moving the fixture(s) around.
Thanks for all the input guys, I also think the tall plant is male because it is lighter in color from the 2 other plants. I have the cfl's on a light reflector hung on a string so it is height adjustable, but this limits me to only one height. I dont have any space for more im using a night table i picked up from good will, and turned it into a micro grow.

Should I start flowering and find out the sex, if the male is the tall plant ill cut it down and drop the lights and all should be good

what do you guys think? Ill try and post some pics tonight


Well-Known Member
i would just put the shorter ones under a stack of cds

did someone mention all your plants are in 1 pot? fix that man it wont be good, and get worse every day till fixed
i would just put the shorter ones under a stack of cds

did someone mention all your plants are in 1 pot? fix that man it wont be good, and get worse every day till fixed
I tried to seperate them when i was replanting into a bigger pot, but the roots were so tightly woven i thought it would kill the plants.


Well-Known Member
I tried to seperate them when i was replanting into a bigger pot, but the roots were so tightly woven i thought it would kill the plants.
You will cause some shock and could possibly kill them by seperating them but it needs to be done, be carful and as delicate as you can and they should be fine, you will get away with some breakage. You will probably see little growth for a week while they recover, treating with something like super thrive or Nytrozyme will help the roots recover from shock. The tight knitting of the roots is what will case you no ends of problems from stunted growth to root rot.


Well-Known Member
yeah, it's tough when you have too many bodies in one pot
the radical solution is to put the pot in a tub of water - gently wash and pull apart plant root balls
radical surgery though - will be stressful to you and plants


Well-Known Member
Why wouldn't u use seperate pots. You read all through these threads of people telling the bad effects of this. Mabye you should read some more before you take that leap into growing. Saves time and money. Just my thoughts. Good luck though.
Why wouldn't u use seperate pots. You read all through these threads of people telling the bad effects of this. Mabye you should read some more before you take that leap into growing. Saves time and money. Just my thoughts. Good luck though.
I started off with separate pots. and planed to stay separate, but i had problems with my grow box and made a bad decision... oh well ... live and learn right! the plants are very healthy, although not to full potential.



Well-Known Member
Shit dude, those plant stems are so close together it would be a bitch to seperate them. I got an image of a massive single root ball right in the middle in my head.