Different Hydrogen question

I am a rookie here so this may have been covered before. In a DWC bucket you have to use an aquarium bubbler to circulate O2 for the roots.
Has anyone ever put a hydrogen generator in the bucket instead? Can a plants roots absorb pure hydrogen bubbles same as Oxygen bubbles?
Amazon has a water bottle infuser that I know I could attach to a bucket OR would hydrogen bubbles kill the plant ? Would a lower volume of pure O2 bubbles be comparable to an aquarium bubbler? Would excess hydrogen bubbles rising into canopy be harmful to leaves?
The hydrogen bubbles would rise and pop on the surface. Can a leaf absorb hydrogen just like it absorbs carbon dioxide and if so would you gain growth/quality? This little 100 dollar automotive unit on amazon looks like it would be a snap to pipe in. After I win the lotto and have time to spare I would like to run 2 buckets next to each other , one with a standard bubbler and the other with the auto unit just to see



Well-Known Member
The hydrogen bubbles would rise and pop on the surface. Can a leaf absorb hydrogen just like it absorbs carbon dioxide and if so would you gain growth/quality? This little 100 dollar automotive unit on amazon looks like it would be a snap to pipe in. After I win the lotto and have time to spare I would like to run 2 buckets next to each other , one with a standard bubbler and the other with the auto unit just to see
That little unit looks like a scam.