Different types of X?


Active Member
The ecstasy scene in the UK now is completely shit compared to 10 years back, I would never touch a pill again unless I knew it was from a reliable source

The pills me and my friends were getting a about a year back had no MDMA in them what so ever, so I had to think to myself what the hell is getting me high

The next day after taking them was the worst I've ever felt in my life, too many greedy dealers around now that would rather fill them with shit chemicals and cut back on the MDMA


Active Member
like said before....

ecstasy logos OR colors dont mean shit!!!!!
any ecstasy tab can be clean or cut with ANYTHING from;
amphetamine, methamphetamine, MDA, research chemicals, tryptaphine, and sometimes DXM.
rarely it CAN be cut with LSD, ketamine, cocaine, or like you said heroine.

any pill can be cut.
and trust me....YOU DONT WANT A CUT PILL.
unless you are into those things... o_0

even if a pill is cut, i HIGHLY doubt it'll be heroine or cocaine.... its too expensive.

the only shitty pills around me are only cut with small to large traces of amphetamine.

MDMA can be an awesome thing, if used moderately!!!!!
but ecstasy pills can be like gambeling if the sources arnt trust worthy.
simply get a pill testing kit
buy one from dancesafe.org

bro not trying to be rude at all but i live in jersey and dope here is the cheapest and most pure in all the states its comes in from the harbor and yes i have def done dope E pills not suggesting them but i have a test kit and it was dope. Ohh by the way dope is one of the cheapest drugs at least in jersey bags go from $10 down to $2 it can be cheaper than crack so that is why they would use it and of course they wouldnt need to use a full bag on it so its even cheaper for them.

T@ll T33

Well-Known Member
i live in illinois and ive seen blue ufos papa smuffs transformers red, green equals and astrics and supermans.......the guys that gets them is like the main dependent in my area and he said that most are coke some meth like the papa smurf....rarely he said there black beauties......haha and i heard about his friend jewels took 6 rolls at one time when he got pulled over haha no joke and lived


Well-Known Member
bro not trying to be rude at all but i live in jersey and dope here is the cheapest and most pure in all the states its comes in from the harbor and yes i have def done dope E pills not suggesting them but i have a test kit and it was dope. Ohh by the way dope is one of the cheapest drugs at least in jersey bags go from $10 down to $2 it can be cheaper than crack so that is why they would use it and of course they wouldnt need to use a full bag on it so its even cheaper for them.
you're not being rude.
you enjoy different highs.
thats cool.

and most junk and dope around me is pricey and rare.
i only know about and know the mdma, lsd and psilocybe type of people around me.

im just suggesting if the E pill users want clean MDMA pills....they will need to risk/gamble with the pills they buy.
or bring the testing kit when purchasing the pills.
then simply test the pill before it is bought or test it after you buy it (but this may lead to a loss)


Active Member
i agree with that i would much rather have mdma pills rather than the mass of mix out there. Also i was talking more of the past havent touched dope in years dont advise the use of it to anyone.


Well-Known Member
ive dabbled with E in my days and have found the white ladies to be the best. Not spotty and marquied straight black so most pure ive gotten.
Taken : red stars, blue smilies, green n purple transfromers, orange n yellow gatorade bolts.... dont mess with e anymore, but if i find some nice molly ill cop that


Well-Known Member
dont mess with e anymore, but if i find some nice molly ill cop that
i agree with the dont mess part but i gotta say....
molly is just as sketch as pills these days in the area i am in.

seriously...pills are just as sketch as powders but powders are definitely 'sketcher' in my book.

unless you got a straight up, reliable, trustworthy chemist or source being close to a chemist.


Well-Known Member
i agree with the dont mess part but i gotta say....
molly is just as sketch as pills these days in the area i am in.

seriously...pills are just as sketch as powders but powders are definitely 'sketcher' in my book.

unless you got a straight up, reliable, trustworthy chemist or source being close to a chemist.
Thats whats good about having best friends high in the game. I get discount prices, pure products, and the scoop on whats bunk and whats fire, so im in a good position :).....


Well-Known Member
i agree with the dont mess part but i gotta say....
molly is just as sketch as pills these days in the area i am in.

seriously...pills are just as sketch as powders but powders are definitely 'sketcher' in my book.

unless you got a straight up, reliable, trustworthy chemist or source being close to a chemist.
if you buy it in powder form yeah but its usualy put in capsules and sold that way , but then again , you wont know if its meth or not till you pop the sucker

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
quite frankly E's are most enjoyable whan they are cut with some things, does have a higher price in sideeffects though. The most common agent used is caffeine.
I agree... My funnest nights on E were def with pressed tabs..

Specifically ketamine cut tabs...


Active Member
The ecstasy scene in the UK now is completely shit compared to 10 years back, I would never touch a pill again unless I knew it was from a reliable source

The pills me and my friends were getting a about a year back had no MDMA in them what so ever, so I had to think to myself what the hell is getting me high

The next day after taking them was the worst I've ever felt in my life, too many greedy dealers around now that would rather fill them with shit chemicals and cut back on the MDMA
yeah but theres a ridiculous amount of mdma :D so happy days!!