Different ways of reintroducing moister back in to overly dry buds


Well-Known Member
i know of humidipaks but i was just recently shown putting a piece tortilla will put the moister back in the buds just wondering if anyone knew of any alternatives i also know of lettuce working to thanx in advance for any replies


Well-Known Member
What is your goal here..do you just not want your bud to crumble or are you still curing...if your harvest dries too much before you cure their is no going back...adding moisture will not help you will never achieve a proper cure..


bud bootlegger
you can always put a slice of fresh fruit in a bag of overly dried bud and it will help put some moisture back into the buds..

an apple slice, orange, pretty much everything.. i've also heard of using a fresh cannabis leaf to do it as well..

just make sure to keep an eye on the bud as if you leave it in there for too long, you'll end up with worse issues then overly dry bud, lol..


Well-Known Member
lets say u get some herb thats just a bit to dry what would be a way to just put just enough moisture in the bud that its not burning away so fast


Well-Known Member
Ok its already cured bud..in that case ya racer has it covered add in Assn orange peel or really anything with moisture in it but check it every hourish


Well-Known Member
A small piece of bread always works for me. And worst case scenario if you forget about it, all you get is a crouton and not a moldy piece of fruit haha.


Well-Known Member
I have used a small piece of a potato or two will re-moisturize dried bud without adding any taste and hydrates really well with just a few small pieces the size of a stamp. It won't save a dry gone wrong but it's great to make it moist enough to enjoy.


Well-Known Member
I agree withh rleezx. A few fan leaves and your bud will be ready to go. And no other smells/tastes, just what that bud supposed to smell taste like


Well-Known Member
leaving bud out in a humid place/room will make weed have a spongy texture again
if its not too dry to start with,
think i would rather go with the lemon peel than fan leaves
fan leaves have that horrible green smell i wouldn't want that anywhere near my bud



Well-Known Member
Why would anyone want their cured weed to be damp again?

Dry and crumbly is how fully cured weed should be idealy imo.

When weed crumbles up into a powder with no resistance, I consider the crop , dry, and cure a success.