Digital Ballast and RF Interference


this is an old ass thread, but I had an issue today. Woke up and the cable man was poking around. I managed to kill my ballasts, then go out and talk to him. He changed a fitting and thought that was it.

Anyhow, now I know I was producing noise...How far away does the cable line need to be to not have noise introduced?
I just recently had this phenomenon brought to my attention. It is my understanding that in order to have notable RF interference there will likely be an issue with the digital unit itself. Quantum ballasts, for example, specifically tout how little RF interference their ballasts generate. I certainly wouldn't recommend wrapping your ballast in foil or anything like that, as it will likely cause your ballast to overheat and malfunction. To recap, it appears to me that if you are generating excessive RF interference you need to go through everything and check all your grounds/connections. I'm going to continue to research to see what else I can discover, relative to contemporary digital ballasts.