digital ballasts suck ass


Well-Known Member
you say that's an actual solis tek splitter? I never did like the idea of those splitters after actually thinking I may get one.its just not the way it's meant to work.


New Member
yeah it a solis tek splitter.My "guy" gave me another splitter to try.Same results.They have one in the store,It works for them.I'm going to end up bringing my ball in to the store to use in their set up to test.I was thinking of getting a 220 receptacle and dedicate it to that.I'm using the 110 lead now


Well-Known Member
fucking sunpulse and solis tek are one and the same. sunpulse makes lamps for solis, the splitter. it all adds up. now the hiled.


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna trash my matrix and get a hortilux platinum.........not. over 6 bills. wonder how many that guy earlier that was thumping the priciest ballast in the world bible owns.