

Well-Known Member
So in a nutshell I posted my brothers bail about a month ago for around 400$ and he hasn't pays be back a dime and he calls me tonight saying he needs me to post another 150$...I'm not sure what to do I'm pretty broke as is and I feel like if I keep postin for him he'll never learn anything and I know he wont pay me back, and I'm pretty sure if it were me needin him to post he wouldn't do it,what would you guys do

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
So in a nutshell I posted my brothers bail about a month ago for around 400$ and he hasn't pays be back a dime and he calls me tonight saying he needs me to post another 150$...I'm not sure what to do I'm pretty broke as is and I feel like if I keep postin for him he'll never learn anything and I know he wont pay me back, and I'm pretty sure if it were me needin him to post he wouldn't do it,what would you guys do
Post it. Don't be a bitch!


Well-Known Member
Never let blood ties make a blind judgement call for you. Especially when it comes to your financial well being. Crap like that has costs me 10s of 1000s of $.
If it's a case of
I know he wont pay me back
And he already agreed to then if I were you I'd take some sort of collateral with a time limit on it. Have him sign off his car title or something of that nature with an agreement that you won't pull it out from under him until such and such date. If he scoffs, refuses or pulls the "That's fucked man you know I'm good for it" then just step away and let them handle their own business. If they were "Good for it" then they wouldn't be bumming off from you in the first place.
You'll find that your family will fuck you over faster and worse than anyone else on the planet.
People that don't honor a deal are just as bad as thieves. It's profit through deception at another's cost so it's the same thing at it's basic level.
I've rarely had a family member pay me back and they justify it with "We're family man" and all that crap.
But I've had a coworker I posted bail for pay me back and then some after I told them not to even worry about it in the first place until his court shit was over with (he got caught growing)
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Well-Known Member
If he wants to ever be a real criminal he will have to toughen up.
Being tough consists of being in jail "all day erry day yo!"

That way when the judge finally puts the boots to him he won't blink
He will instinctively yell,
I can do 5 years standing on my dick you punk ass bitch!

Trust me it's going to be epic but you bailing him out is seriously
Undermining his efforts.

In all seriousness.
If it were me and I feared my bro was going down a bad road
I would leave him sit. He will possibly learn easier in there and you will
Save $150

On the other hand, it's hard as shit to let him sit and I get that.

So when you toughen up he might stand a chance.

Ouch, I didn't expect to say that.

Sorry man, it's early and I'm thinking clearly.


Well-Known Member
depends on the case. for example ive had plenty of good boys take a lick on the chin for me. always put money on the books atleast, i do a bill a week, thats all you get. shit i paid 55k to bail one of my boys out during my last raid. he wasnt even in the same city when the real shit went down butvhe took my spot

if it had nothing to do with you. eh it might be good for him. i have an uncle sitting in del valle right now for fuckin up on parole robbing someone and carryin heat. blood ties are powerful, i would almost always help if i could. but with real family comes the overall well being. not if they are happy wit you atm

my penny


Well-Known Member
if its for dope or something id let him sit and meet some real addicts and maybe he'll change his perspective. his bails so low that when he hits the judge he'll probably get released on unsecured bail.. but if you already bailed him out once, is the 1st bail violated? he might not even be able to get out until he hits a court room..


Well-Known Member
So in a nutshell I posted my brothers bail about a month ago for around 400$ and he hasn't pays be back a dime and he calls me tonight saying he needs me to post another 150$...I'm not sure what to do I'm pretty broke as is and I feel like if I keep postin for him he'll never learn anything and I know he wont pay me back, and I'm pretty sure if it were me needin him to post he wouldn't do it,what would you guys do

Make him be your wingman for a year.. And lay the grenades on him. He's fucked enough ugly bitches when he pays you back.


Well-Known Member
If he's just sitting in some county jail, it would be better to let him sit in there a while and ride it out, you're not doing him any favours bailing him out. Sounds like he's a regular, he's going to have to make a decision to continue down this road or smarten the fuck up. You bailing him out won't let it sink in that if you're a fuck up there are consequences. Call it tough love or whatever, it is what it is and he won't learn anything if he gets bailed every time he fucks up.


Well-Known Member
Sitting on bail is bs, atleast if you facing big charges. If he facing real time atleast let him get out before he goes in for his bid.

I cannot post bail but with my family if I break the bond and have a chance at bail that shit aint happening. Ita all situational.

Sometimes the days in can gelp heres its 2for1 so when i sat for my assault charge in the summer thay shit is done because I waited it out.

Also wasnt my fault I got busted on that thing. My mom and aunt would noy have posted if they knew I was at fault. Also lawyer got tyem to drop my breach.

Next time he calls tell em to make some drink for the range and get himself proper.