Diluting a chemical for measurement purposes


Active Member
I am considering getting some chems that are active under 1 mg. I have a milligram scale, but I would like to dilute the chemical in order to make dosing easier using gel caps. One option would be to make an alcohol tincture, but I do not currently own any glassware.

The other option I am thinking about is taking said chemical, and adding it to powdered sugar or flour in an amount that would allow me to measure out doses much easier.

Has anyone done something similar before? I just don't know how long it would take to mix in order to make a homogenous mixture. I want to avoid posting in the dreaded overdose thread!


New Member
man if your dealing with 1mg and below good luck... microgram scales are expensive. i cant help you maybe if it was 5mg we could talk

Rodart Cockburn

New Member
How much raw product are you dealing with?

I would suggest getting as close to 500mg(you do have a scale right) and add it to 500ml. Getting a bit off when dealing with what I think you are can quite easily vasoconstriction and even gangrene.

Take care.



Well-Known Member
"The other option I am thinking about is taking said chemical, and adding it to powdered sugar or flour in an amount that would allow me to measure out doses much easier."

Stick with the tinctures and if you can, create a color code for your solutions


Active Member
i have a milligram scale, that i feel is accurate above 10 mg. Below that, i don't trust it

I may be dealing with 100mg of chemical, and i would like to have .25-.5mg of that chemical per cap.Sure, the math is easy, but how realistic am I to think that i can make a homogenous mixture using nothing more than a few index cards and maybe a razor blade.

I currently do not have any tinctures, so labeling will not be an issue. My main issue is that I want to be able to accurately dose the chemical, keeping the cost as low as possible. Otherwise, I can easily pay slightly more for metered dosage

Oh hell, im talking about benzos haha.

I don't want to overdose on xanax or phenazapam, but i am enticed by their low costs.

I am swaying away from making a tincture, becuase after the cost of the materials needed, It might make more sense to have just bought some pills for more money.
If anyone has ever made their own tincture, can you guys tell me how much the materials cost?

and Rodart Cockburn, what do you think i'm talking about? If benzos can cause gangrene, f that s!


Well-Known Member
Yea stick to a solvent.
I have read of someone trying to cut their stash with baking soda for easier measuring. They ended up reacting baking soda with their product and ruined everything.


Active Member
Yea stick to a solvent.
I have read of someone trying to cut their stash with baking soda for easier measuring. They ended up reacting baking soda with their product and ruined everything.
i didn't even consider that

I would love to make tinctures of all of my stuff, but I can't find a definitive answer about the volume of one drop of a dropper bottle, like one purchased from amazon.

Rodart Cockburn

New Member
Benzo's are not what I was thinking, because benzo's don't readily dissolve in water or ethanol, PEG and proplyene glycol are the agreed upon ideals.

My friend did the powder dilution once, he put his hand right in the middle of his big pile of 2cp and had quite a fucking time. It took him until he was done mixing to realize his hands were covered in the powder.


EDIT: Those dropper bottles don't really have a definite ml/drop ratio. You can try and discover it you self, measure the weight of 100drops a few times and see if its the same, if it is divide by 100. Also having a one drop dosage solution can be rather dangerous. Plus you could make sure to save it rather conservatively.


Active Member
i may be better off just getting a script from my dr. As a future medical profesional, I know what it takes to get all the good shit lol


Active Member
the DSM IV has the criteria for all mental disorders, including adhd, which would be treated with aderol, and many other conditions including general anxiety disorder. Hypothetically speaking, if one met enough of the diagnostic criteria, there is no reason that a patient would be denied treatment under most circumstances.

However, my doctor stopped me at " I have trouble paying attention in class" I had a whole speech planned and everything. I only got prescribed adderol 10s, which are enough for me to study with

For xanxax, I might say that i got a job that requires me to travel 2-4 times per month, but im terrified of flying! Whoa is me! Oh xanax takes the edge off? Do tell!

Oh and most importantly, be kind to the hospital staff!


Well-Known Member
To continue your thought, NP88, a few years ago I was concerned about my anxiety. I saw my family Doc without any expectations, and on account of my Dad being given a celebrex script for his depression with good success, that's immediately what he offered me. I know SSRIs are used to treat Social Anxiety and the like, but he was also aware that I was "self-medicating" so that may have a lot to do with it. I tried the shit for a few months, found that it made everything worse AND I couldn't come for the life of me, so I said fuck it and continued to medicate myself. Works much better for me ;)


Active Member
im confused... you self medicated with what? Celebrex is a pain medication, usually prescribed for arthritis


Well-Known Member
Here is the thing. I am forced to work with dilutions as low as 1 part per million in making stock solutions and media for micropropagation.

Get yourself a decent measuring column and some plastic pipettes - 1 ml or 3 I suppose would be good (I think I paid something like 8 dollars for the column and 40 cents for the pipette. You say you do have a scale that will work in the 10 mg or better range, then just do the math. I put 50 mg into 500 ml of water for .1 mg per ml. If you want fractions you can either dilute again or you can use your pipette . If the stuff doesn't disolve in water, but does in glycol, doesn't glycol disolve in water? Disolve it in the glycol and adjust your water accordingly - I doubt you will have trouble with such a minute amount of glycol. Now you have a solution that should deliver .25 ml in 2.5 ml. There are lots of eyedroppers that are accurate enough for dosing at that level. Well, I guess that is how I would do it. (hope my math is right, I'm a little fuzzy)