Diluting fox farm grow big for 3 week old plants?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

I recently transplanted my plants into fox farm soil out of MG soil...

I got some fox farm grow big stuff... And i was researching but couldn't get a straight answer about diluting the mix.

Do i just follow the instructions on the bottle, or shall I dilute it down to be on the safe side? If i dilute it, what is typically the dilution, 1/4 strength or 1/2 strength? I only wanna give these guys this formula for like four waterings, then i plan on going into 12/12 and switching to big bloom.

Anyone got advice on the strength of the dilution for fox farm grow big? I do NOT want to encounter nute burn since i already have some slight deficiencies going on...


Well-Known Member
people who have personally worked with fox farm soil and fox farm grow big would be preferable :-D


Well-Known Member
Start with 1/4. Better to start out slow. By the time you harvest if you gave them 1/4 or 1/2 right now won't matter in the least, but if you kill them with too much nutes you will sure as hell notice.

If all looks well after that, then go up to 1/2 and so on.