Dimmable bulbs heat question


Well-Known Member
I dont think there would be a siginificant difference. Especially if you design your venting system to handle the full 600W the light can give. Atleast this import ballast gives you specific wattages when dimming, I think you have to change the bulb, not positive but it makes sence.


Active Member
I have dimmables dont change bulbs... it ignites bulb at full wattage then runs a reduced wattage to the bulb after it warms up, thus dimming it. Dont put a 250 in a 600 dimmable as it will ignite at 600. boom goes the dynamite?


Well-Known Member
Good to know Waxynugs! Very important.
How exactly are you using the dimmable's?
I could see a dimmable being great in veg but in flower id have it at 100% all the time.


Ursus marijanus
Dumb Q: can anyone tell me the efficiency ratio (lumens for the watts) of a 600 run at 250 v. a 250 run at 250? thanks, cn