Dinafem blue kush


Well-Known Member
Anyone have any familiarity with them got a clone but I dont know if its their autoflowering blue kush or not. :( its exhibiting the purple colors like ive seen in the autos and its like two or three weeks ahead of the other plants in flowering outside.


As I have only just joined this thread I have only just seen this. Can I ask did the strain veg like the others?. If it was a auto blue kush you should have seen pre flowers within 4 weeks of growth. I know im coming into this late. How did you get on with this strain?

All the best



Well-Known Member
Came across it as a "clone" from another medical patient, it was practicly dead when I got it, but it ended up looking like the first picture at harvest, chopped a little early do to some insect issues and I didnt want them getting to her. I took 2 clones while it was in flower hoping. They both rooted i cut flowers off put them on 18/6 they rooted wonderfully but i only gt new minute bud growth, it sucked.


Came across it as a "clone" from another medical patient, it was practicly dead when I got it, but it ended up looking like the first picture at harvest, chopped a little early do to some insect issues and I didnt want them getting to her. I took 2 clones while it was in flower hoping. They both rooted i cut flowers off put them on 18/6 they rooted wonderfully but i only gt new minute bud growth, it sucked.

Thats resolved the issue then mate. This will be our normal blue kush not our auto. As far as I know cuttings are not taken from autoflowering strains. I guess yes it could be done but im 99% sure this is our photoperiod blue kush :)

Thank you for the picture much appreciated

All the best

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Even though the clones kept budding wjth no upward growth u der 18/6?
That is very strange. Ive not come across a clone of any auto strain of our or any seed bank. Can I ask what was the clone like when you got it? Did it already have preflowers?. I would expect a clone in 18/6 to go into veg stage as soon as roots are down and potted up. Were you given this as a auto clone?

All the best
