dinafem blue widow


Well-Known Member
good luck with this grow i am interested to see how your gifted seeds stack up against the big breeders.
any info on finish time? had the pheno i have out of your dinafem pack?(wondering on stability)
link to any grows?


Well-Known Member
today chopped 8 tops off to open up space in my box for my pineapple express.
first pic is dried buds from 6 days ago. wet weight 10g dry weight 4g.
next 3 are from today wet weight was 42 or 45 can't remember.
can see in pics starting to eat leaves wish i gave nitrogen 2 weeks ago will be giving it a shot next watering.
the rest will be going to day 70-77(2 weeks or so) only top inch of colas have amber trich's.
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this is the beaten and abused revegged pineapple express. which was lst'd today a bit more to open up canopy for last 3-4 weeks of life.
this plant does not like high temps(never above 84 and rarely above 82) or intense lights(have to keep about 4 inches)
will be revegging this to prove to myself i can actually grow her as beautifully as my blue widow.
first run pulled 1.5 ounces. flowered mid summer the heat battered her making about all large fan leaves on buds to fall off.
can see removed most popcorn but left alot on this near stem to reveg.
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Active Member
Your Blue Widow looks awesome, bro. Way more purple color than I got on my last run. Probably my fault since I'm new. I just popped 4 Dinafem Blue Widow this week.


Well-Known Member
not like i am a pro or been doing this long my first grow indoor was 8-9 months ago.
i think color is from my 78-82 during lights on and 58-62 nights. or could just be genetics in this particular seed.
any info on your last run? grow style, duration, yield, taste, potency? anything helpful.


Well-Known Member
At start of this thread i claimed this plant to a triploid whether this is right term not sure. had 3 branches on main stem and secondary branches only 2 leaf sets.
none the less have done a bit of reading and claims this trait can cause hermies. well sadly found a few nanners shooting and looked closely and can only find one seed.
at this point i could care less personal stash. but bummed a bit on no reveg.


Well-Known Member
chopped just top buds off yesterday. leaving popcorn on plant for a week or 2 to build yield.
will update with pics and final weight on monday or tuesday.


Well-Known Member
thanks man just giving the girl what she needed. only wish i would have up potted at start of flower.
at start of flower had about and 1 inch of solid roots at bottom of pot. i popped it out added 1 inch of 30% 20% cow poop compost 50% wormcasting.
i feel like if i would have up potted to 5 gallon i def would have yielded much better but live and learn.


Well-Known Member
well thats all for the blue widow and me flowering with cfl's.
i will be switching to 600w apollo dimmable switchable with cooltube in a 2x4x5 tent.
as for the results of the blue widow.

had 73g in top buds, 24g in mids, and about 47g wet popcorn so about 10g popcorn.
so total is 107g under about 375w of cfl.
a bit shy of what i was hoping but not bad for a freebie seed.
0.29g/w is what i pulled this time. had .31g/w with my liberty haze.
by no way are cfl's a waste of time. got me into growing but just looking to compete with the big boys.
would love to give induction a try but cannot spend $1500 at the moment.
so i jump on the hid bandwagon but wish all you cfl'ers out there best of luck.

first picture is half of the top buds with a few mids.
second is a scratch and sniff.
3rd is what i have left about 60g

cannot comment on smoke report as i am DRUG FREE for a stupid PISS TEST.
have had some curing for a few weeks and have handed an ounce or so of samples to my buddies. nothing but positive feedback so far.
the smell is a sweet berryish vanilla smell after cure.
lukes cell 425.jpglukes cell 426.jpg013.jpg009.jpg034.jpg

will update wit smoke report.


Well-Known Member
hello again cfl growers.
i have up graded to 600w hid.
but would like to follow up on how lovely this blue widow is.
not my favorite but will not rub any green in the dirt.
this is a one month update on smoke report.
very sweet taste on first few hits with hash aftertaste.
up until now i would have said this was shit weed but needs a real cure.(otherwise first 2-4 weeks very harsh.)
potency is an upper mid. great mellow relaxation with buzzy stoney chill.