Dinafem Original Amnesia Flower Report 7 weeks


Well-Known Member
Copy of the veg report here: https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/779052-dinafem-original-amnesia-veg.html

As title says, im 7 weeks into flower on Dinafem Original Amnesia. Gave it its last water with nutrients today, gonna start giving it fresh agua as i feel it has about a week and a half or so left.

For nutrients i started using Fox Farms Grow Big for flower, its worked amazingly. Read an old post from uncle ben back from 2009 or something like that, saying "yea if you want your leaves to prematurely fall off the plant, then yea use flower nutrients. If you want your plant to stay a nice healthy green and have it keep its leaves, use veg nutrients. Stopped using dyna gro bloom all together. Has zero use to me.

Back to the plant though. The thing is a yielder. For sure. Imo it would be an excellent choice for a SCROG. It takes well to multiple toppings and produces several main stocks from doing so. It puts off an odor thats a perfect cross from a mild gasoline, and a sugary pine.

Overall it seems like a good yielder, and a potent producer. Will post again at harvest time.

Feel free to share pics of your amnesia



Well-Known Member
Copy of the veg report here: https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/779052-dinafem-original-amnesia-veg.html

As title says, im 7 weeks into flower on Dinafem Original Amnesia. Gave it its last water with nutrients today, gonna start giving it fresh agua as i feel it has about a week and a half or so left.

For nutrients i started using Fox Farms Grow Big for flower, its worked amazingly. Read an old post from uncle ben back from 2009 or something like that, saying "yea if you want your leaves to prematurely fall off the plant, then yea use flower nutrients. If you want your plant to stay a nice healthy green and have it keep its leaves, use veg nutrients. Stopped using dyna gro bloom all together. Has zero use to me.

Back to the plant though. The thing is a yielder. For sure. Imo it would be an excellent choice for a SCROG. It takes well to multiple toppings and produces several main stocks from doing so. It puts off an odor thats a perfect cross from a mild gasoline, and a sugary pine.

Overall it seems like a good yielder, and a potent producer. Will post again at harvest time.

Feel free to share pics of your amnesia
looks good bro...

How did it end up finishing ? Looks real sugary....

And, how did she end up smoking ? Is it strong ?

thnx, SC