Dinafem Original Amnesia - LST CFL Stealth Cab


Active Member
Hey guys. So I'm a new grower and currently have a plant flowering that is growing pretty good. Because of this I felt comfortable enough to start another grow.

My Setup: I used a Sterilite plastic drawer that I found. Removed the drawer, covered with bubble wrap and duct taped everything completely. Not 100% light proof but good enough for stealth. However, this is only temporarily since the cab is too small for two plants. I have already ordered a new cab and according to the online tracking, should be delivered tomorrow. Once ready, I will update with pics.

Intake/Exhaust: 4 120mm fans

Light: 4 - 25watt CFL bulbs

Soil: Miracle Gro Moisture Control

Strain: Dinafem Original Amnesia Feminized

I will be updating this every week, questions/comments/suggestions are all welcome, thanks for looking guys! :bigjoint:

1. Homemade pot, (Big Arizona bottle, cut with drain holes.
2. Seed right before planting into soil.
3. Pot placed in cab next to my Fast Bud. As you can see its very crammed, you guys can check out that grow in my signature.



Active Member

Hey guys, well she's doing pretty good.
However before the true leaves popped out I had to cut the cotyledon leaves because it seems they were stuck together by the leftover residue from the seed. The new true leaves were growing out crumbled, as you can see in the day 05 pics. I hope this does not stun or hermi this girl.
I've kept a Zip-Loc bag over her as a dome to keep humidity up, but as I write this I have took it off to give her some fresh air.
She has been like a centimeter away from a CFL bulb. I know it's pretty close but I feel comfortable enough leaving her like that. Anyway guys enjoy the pictures thanks for passing by! :bigjoint:

Pictures: First two pics are of DAY05 and the last three are of DAY06(Currently)


Well-Known Member
You dont need to have it that close when its just a baby seeding.

leave it about an inch or so away, but make sure the side of the cfl spiral is facing the top of the plant.

When they are young, they dont need that much light to do well. Plus even tho the cfls dont give off much heat, when they are close they still heat the plant up.
You might be heat stressing the plant a bit even though your temps say its fine.

just something to keep in mind.

looking good


Active Member
Yea you're right, before posting this I checked up on her and she seemed a bit stress so I placed her about an inch away. On my first grow I kept it away about an inch as well, just wanted to try something different but you're right its best about an inch away.

Thanks for the input mate.