dinafem white widow and blue widow hempy bucket closet grow

I Have more seeds than this growing right now but I wanted to break em into two separate journals so people can see the strain they are interested in easier.

This is a Dinafem white widow and blue widow grow. Both seeds received from attitude seeds as freebies. The white widow was was placed in a cup of water 2 hours later when I checked on it, it had sunk then I wet a piece of paper towel placed the seed in it then folded it twice and place into a ziplock back and filled with air before closing. I placed it under a bucket in my grow room where temps are around 80f. this germination process is my own combo of others and it works better than anything I have ever tried. I have to say if the seed is viable at all this will make them pop!

The white widow had a very long tap root(longer than all the others given the same time) and was then placed into a rockwool cube. which turned out to be a mistake as the white widow started off green then started to turn yellow and leaves crispy and die. I decided to remove it from the cube and place in old used fox farms light warrior soil(all I had) and within a week the plant started to grow again and turn dark green. It is still recovering today. it is not all green but I have absolutely no worries it will pull through. You can tell it didnt like the rockwool as it popped out of it on march 21st and its grown more in the last week in soil then over the other 3 weeks.(grew for one week in rockwool then just slowly went to hell the other days.

For pics on this check out this thread of mine.https://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-plant-problems/518549-seedlings-rockwool-problems-save-my.html
The hindu kush also did not like the rockwool

but getting on to the blue widow...it actually had no problem at all with the rockwool and this plant is very vigorous roots came out the bottom litterly in under 24hrs Im not shitting you the plant was tiny didnt even give it light yet was a pale yellow(NO light) yet had roots poking out the bottom(check out the pic!)

blue widow popped out of the rockwool(along with the roots at the bottom on april 3 making it 2 weeks younger than the white widow yet its larger.(not a fair comparison of growth rate under optimal conditions for each strain but they were givin the same in the beginning so blue widow seems more hardy..for rockwool anyways)

the rockwool was immediately place over a solo 12 oz party cup filled with 3 parts perlite 1 part vermiculite and a hole 3/4 inch up(small hempy bucket) within week or so the roots are very abundant and all the way down. today I cut the bottom of the cup open and place it on top of another solo hempy cup. now with a larger reservoir at the bottom over 1 inch high now.

both these plant are now under my 600 watt hps 32 inches away. though its next to my flowering skunk x northern lights cross so its gonna have to be moved back to the 3 cfls at night. does this sound OK?

well sorry for all that reading but now you are caught up.


also the blue widow is little thirsty in those pics the little girl was drinking up that resevoir way to fast. also forgot to mention both these seeds are FEM.

the blue widow already has purple stems and it already smells of blueberries..wasnt expecting that. ill add a pic of the root formation here soon as its in a translucent yellow cup.(will tape up or something if the roots start to look bad but right now their still pure white.)
taken on 22nd plants are now under 600 watt hps 27 inches below and off to the side a bit. 12/12 lighting now as i need these to finish asap. wish i could grow them larger but Id rather have multiple plants of the same strain so I can get a good mother rather just take clones from one random freebie seed.

I bought seedsman white widow 10 pack reg during the 420 promotion ill do that grow around September and look to get clones from that bunch.

