Dip n grow Help


Well-Known Member
I am just starting out, I have a plant outside that has flower's on it, but I want to clone it and see if I can keep it going and get more off it. I have a bottle of dip and grow liquid rooting consentrate. Been reading and looking at video's and so many diffrent way's to do it. plant does have seed's in it and if I colone it will the clone's keep growing with more seed's or will it stop


Well-Known Member
You can take clones from your flowering plant,dip n grow is a powerful root hormone so make sure u mix it correctly! Before you choose to keep this plant we should ask a few questions

1. Is the plant a hermie (produce male and female flowered)? Is this how you have seeds?

2. Where did the pollen come from to make your plant go to seed?

To root a clone you don't need much. Seed starter dirt,rapid rooters,rockwool cubes all make fine mediums to root a clone. A small light can be used if nothing else is available 24 hour light till rooted. Clones taken from budding plants take abit longer to go back to veg cycle.

If your plant is a hermie I would toss it and get a better plant


Well-Known Member
I had a hermie next to the plant, Plant I want to save smell's so good and nice high. would i be able to go from dip to putting in the seed pod's i just got or would I need something else ?