direct or indirect sun?


Well-Known Member
i have a white deisel clone i just put outside and i was wondering is it better to have direct sunlight on it all day or half direct and half indirect.


Active Member
If you choose the spot with full sun all day it's going to dry out a lot faster, which means more watering. But the more light it gets the better the crop. If you can handle the watering schedule and the full sun spot is in a secure location definitely go with that.

Dr Ziaus

Exactly, more sun will dry out your medium faster, requiring more watering and attention. I am currently maintaining two clones outside in my legit garden, and they usually require watering about twice a day in full sun.
put it in the shade for the first week till the roots are strong enough for the sunlight..slowly introduce it to more and more sunlight....or else you'll kill your clone...


Well-Known Member
put it in the shade for the first week till the roots are strong enough for the sunlight..slowly introduce it to more and more sunlight....or else you'll kill your clone...
agreed. did this once let it chill in the shade all day for a few days because the sun is pretty brutal compared to any indoor light


Well-Known Member
I damn near killed a clone I had just picked up from the club with less than an hour of full sun. I stuck it in the backyard at high noon and did a few errands, and when I came to grab it, it had fallen over from the shock.It survived, but it wasn't pretty.

Point is, you need to acclimates them slowly. But, once acclimated, you want as much direct sunlight as possible.