Dirt cheap perpetual harvest?


Well-Known Member
Drop an extra 30 or 40 bucks and get rubbermaid totes rather than those boxes. Like someone mentioned on the first page of this thread, you're gonna have to worry about them soaking up moisture and possibly growing mold or fungus. They'll be much more reuse value as well and they'll probably be easier to get your lights and fans to stay setup right.


Well-Known Member
I seem to be getting alot of conflicting information here. I'll articulate my question: For a 2 chamber perpetual harvest setup under a 4 foot ceiling, what are the best lights for me to use?


Well-Known Member
Lights can be hung from wood ceiling.

Probably going to go with CFL, any product suggestions?
dude cfls are the worst possible option... period, unless ur in ur first 2 weeks of veg or starting clones.. i use 1000w dual arch hps/mh bulb in a 3x3x6 closet bro.. im a first time grower i have the most insane diy hydro setup and have the most beautiful strawberry cough and lowberry plants the eyes have seen.. they are huge and bushy, about the 4th week of flower plant is about 3ft tall and almost 4 feet around. trust cfl = the lame. hps > all!

Doctor Pot

Well-Known Member
HPS with a cool tube seems like a good bet. High-output T5 fluorescents (check htgsupply.com) would also work very well for that situation as there would be no risk of burning anything. If you want to get a significant quantity of buds, you should probably go with one of those. Regular fluoros just don't give off enough light.


Well-Known Member
HPS with a cool tube seems like a good bet. High-output T5 fluorescents (check htgsupply.com) would also work very well for that situation as there would be no risk of burning anything. If you want to get a significant quantity of buds, you should probably go with one of those. Regular fluoros just don't give off enough light.
Cool tubes would put me way over $300-400. It'll be winter I start the grow, will heat be much of a problem for a 400 watt HPS or MH?

Doctor Pot

Well-Known Member
A 400-watt HPS would burn anything less than a foot away without a cool tube. When you figure the space the HPS takes up, plus the necessary clearance above and below the reflector, plus the soil, you're not gonna have much room to grow. Now that I think about it, I'd actually recommend high-output T5 fluorescents. Check out this link:

High Tech Garden Supply


Well-Known Member
A 400-watt HPS would burn anything less than a foot away without a cool tube. When you figure the space the HPS takes up, plus the necessary clearance above and below the reflector, plus the soil, you're not gonna have much room to grow. Now that I think about it, I'd actually recommend high-output T5 fluorescents. Check out this link:

High Tech Garden Supply
How many of the T5s would I need? Also, if I get a light with a cooltube, how far away can the plants be?

Doctor Pot

Well-Known Member
I'm not sure, I've never used a cool tube. As far as how many t5 fluorescents you need, I'd go with 48 inch tubes and just get whatever's most affordable for you. But those things are really good for growing considering they're fluorescent. Get the orange spectrum ones, they're best for flowering.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure, I've never used a cool tube. As far as how many t5 fluorescents you need, I'd go with 48 inch tubes and just get whatever's most affordable for you. But those things are really good for growing considering they're fluorescent. Get the orange spectrum ones, they're best for flowering.
Alright, thanks. Does anyone know any more about these lights? How efficient is their spectrum for growing? How many of them are needed for maximal growth?


Well-Known Member
Alright, thanks. Does anyone know any more about these lights? How efficient is their spectrum for growing? How many of them are needed for maximal growth?
Fluorescents, compact (CFL) or not (tube ie. T-5) are great for vegging...

But when you start talking about flowering... they work, but are not the best option...

What we (I) are trying to achieve is growing our own buds, hopefully cheaper than buying it right????

Ok, so you need to consider the Gram/Watt ratio of your grow....

The very best indoor Wizzards are getting well over 1 gram per watt...

That means that if you have a 600 Watt Hps, and you fill your area to capacity, with everything perfect, it is possible to get 600 Grams/21.1Oz....

Try growing with 1 80 watt CFL and you will soon realize that you will not harvest 80 grams...

The best way to improve that ratio is to use a powerful HPS...

2 x 250 Watt HPS does NOT have the same INTENSITY as a single 400 Watt HPS... they may cover a larger area, but the light PENETRATION is still decreased...

I hope I am making sense, but basically anything shy of 400 watts (on HPS) will give you the low intensity of a cloudy day...

We are the weather indoors, why make cloudy days everyday..?????

If you stick with growing, you will end up with a 600 or even a 1000 HPS, why upgrade 15 times along the way...

Even economically it makes sense, it is the one tool that will the biggest impact on your harvest, bringing you closer to that elusive 1 gram per watt ...:o

I hope I didn't sound like a dick, I'm high and I just hate to see you buy and replace unnecessary equipment... it's expensive and puts even more trash out there...

Buy what you need... once... it's cheaper and you become a "better grower" quicker...:weed:

Just my thoughts man.. go with what you know...

Best of luck...



Well-Known Member
Fluorescents, compact (CFL) or not (tube ie. T-5) are great for vegging...

But when you start talking about flowering... they work, but are not the best option...

What we (I) are trying to achieve is growing our own buds, hopefully cheaper than buying it right????

Ok, so you need to consider the Gram/Watt ratio of your grow....

The very best indoor Wizzards are getting well over 1 gram per watt...

That means that if you have a 600 Watt Hps, and you fill your area to capacity, with everything perfect, it is possible to get 600 Grams/21.1Oz....

Try growing with 1 80 watt CFL and you will soon realize that you will not harvest 80 grams...

The best way to improve that ratio is to use a powerful HPS...

2 x 250 Watt HPS does NOT have the same INTENSITY as a single 400 Watt HPS... they may cover a larger area, but the light PENETRATION is still decreased...

I hope I am making sense, but basically anything shy of 400 watts (on HPS) will give you the low intensity of a cloudy day...

We are the weather indoors, why make cloudy days everyday..?????

If you stick with growing, you will end up with a 600 or even a 1000 HPS, why upgrade 15 times along the way...

Even economically it makes sense, it is the one tool that will the biggest impact on your harvest, bringing you closer to that elusive 1 gram per watt ...:o

I hope I didn't sound like a dick, I'm high and I just hate to see you buy and replace unnecessary equipment... it's expensive and puts even more trash out there...

Buy what you need... once... it's cheaper and you become a "better grower" quicker...:weed:

Just my thoughts man.. go with what you know...

Best of luck...

If I buy a 6 tube 4' T5 for the veg chamber, would a 400 watt HPS work for flowering clones under a 4 foot ceiling? Or would it just burn the plants?


Well-Known Member
If you use a cool tube and a strong fan you could get away with a 600 HPS... but you would have to have your ventilation well worked out...

I was looking at a tent that was 48" wide X 48" tall X 20" deep.. for use with a cooltubed 600... but I built my own tent @ 36 wide X 60 Tall X 20 deep...

If you have a separate vent system to cool your bulb... you could treat a 400 HPS ALMOST like a fluorescent... around 6" or so... not quite like a fluorescent... but ALMOST...

As for a vegg chamber... at 4' tall, you really shouldn't have to vegg much at all...

And a 4 tube 2' T-5 should be plenty for a cloner... just get used to taking a little bit bigger clones, and snip cuttings from them just before they go into flower... by the time your flowering room needs replenished, those clones will be big and healthy to go into flowering... after a quick snip for the next batch's cuttings...

No need for a mother.. really.. so no need for a big set up....

If you vegg them too long they will be too big to manage by any means... other than clipping...

Just my thoughts man.... I am no pro...

Like I always say... go with what you know... what works for one person, may not work for another...




Well-Known Member
If you use a cool tube and a strong fan you could get away with a 600 HPS... but you would have to have your ventilation well worked out...

I was looking at a tent that was 48" wide X 48" tall X 20" deep.. for use with a cooltubed 600... but I built my own tent @ 36 wide X 60 Tall X 20 deep...

If you have a separate vent system to cool your bulb... you could treat a 400 HPS ALMOST like a fluorescent... around 6" or so... not quite like a fluorescent... but ALMOST...

As for a vegg chamber... at 4' tall, you really shouldn't have to vegg much at all...

And a 4 tube 2' T-5 should be plenty for a cloner... just get used to taking a little bit bigger clones, and snip cuttings from them just before they go into flower... by the time your flowering room needs replenished, those clones will be big and healthy to go into flowering... after a quick snip for the next batch's cuttings...

No need for a mother.. really.. so no need for a big set up....

If you vegg them too long they will be too big to manage by any means... other than clipping...

Just my thoughts man.... I am no pro...

Like I always say... go with what you know... what works for one person, may not work for another...


I don't quite understand how you're suggesting I divide the chambers. What I was thinking of doing was having 2-4 mother plants in one chamber, and I'd control their height by taking clones off them if they get too tall. So the veg chamber should have a T5, and the flowering one should have a cooltubed 400w HPS? I might be able to afford that, it'd be close though.


Well-Known Member
Yeah! That is the idea....

I just suggested that instead of keeping moms... you take clones from your pre-flower clones...

Instead of a longer, more tube T-5, you will be able to get away with a smaller one....

Your "vegg" cab would be more of a "clone" cab... no moms.... less light needed... that's all...

Look for HPS ballasts/bulbs at your local lighting supply store... HTG is good too... no need for digital... you can upgrade later and have the analog for a spare... there are a lot of "wire your own ballast" kits out there... cheap... can you read a diagram? you can wire it...

Cool tubes can also be made of ant HIGH TEMP GLASS (PYREX)... on ebay you can find something called "bake a round bread"... quite a few folks use them for cool tubes...

You can look around... just remeber, you will have to dial in your ventilation... in/out fans connected to a thermostat... dedicated fan and ducting for the cooltube... hot exhaust directed away from intake, to avoid "re-breathing" hot air.... that kind of stuff...

Then there is the electrical aspect of it... timers... wires... connectors.... all the parts and work should be appropriate and sound... no cutting corners, you can set your house on fire... use the correct gage wire...

Be Safe...

I am in the process (right now, just taking a breakbongsmilie) of wiring my timer and thermostat...

I'll be posting pictures in the Mini Aeroponic Garden when I am done...

Good Luck...


Doctor Pot

Well-Known Member
For vegging, you can just drop $20 for a 48" T12 shoplight and daylight-spectrum tubes at home depot. For flowering in 4 feet of space, you can seriously use t5 fluorescents. It's probably your best bet. This guy used 216 watts of T5 lighting and got three ounces:

Anbesol's Second T5 Grow. NYC Diesel and Hypnoberry - Cannabis.com Forums Message Boards - Medical Marijuana, Cannabis Club, Dispensary, News

That's more than my first grow with a 400 watt HPS. Fluorescents are not considered to be really great for flowering by a lot of people, but high output T5s are the absolute best fluorescent lights you can have for growing. If you had more room, a HPS would be a better option, but with only 4 feet to grow in, you really need to conserve your space. A HID light would also concentrate all its light on a small area since it's meant to be higher up. Fluorescents, on the other hand, have their light all spread out already.


Well-Known Member
If I use HPS for flower, how would I go about installing an inline fan onto a cooltube?

I am not sure of what you are asking me here....

The obvious answer would be with ducting and clamps.... but I think you might be asking something different...

Can you clarify...???



Well-Known Member
I am not sure of what you are asking me here....

The obvious answer would be with ducting and clamps.... but I think you might be asking something different...

Can you clarify...???

I'm not used to heavy mechanical or electrical work, so I was wondering how I'd be able to use an inline fan with a cooltube, since I don't really know how a cooltube works.


Well-Known Member
Oh OK I got ya...

A cool tube is nothing but a glass tube....

The socket and bulb sit inside, with a fan blowing cool air across it at a high speed....

The idea is to move the bulb's heat away before it even has a chance to warm the glass tube...

A 400 watt HPS can give you a nasty burn... but with a strong fan, you should be able to touch the glass cool tube without injury...

Does that paint the picture a little better?

So you would get a 6" cool tube, some 6" ducting, a 6" in line fan (not an inline booster, a real fan!!!) and some 6" clamps....

The cool tube is inside your box, the ducting is going straight trhough the box, starting at each end of the tube....

at one end you attach a STRONG fan... and make sure you exhaust somewhere it won't get sucked up by the intake...

How about now???

Oh, and you would run that fan on the same timer as your light...

And your intake/exhaust fans on a thermostat...

You know what...??? I am building all this crap right now.... why don't you drop by my garden when you have a chance and take a peek at what I am doing....

Hope to see you there...


