Dirt depth and it's growth


Active Member
I would think the more soil the more room the bigger the plant. Anyone have any ideas if it's better to grow it in the soil\ground or a soil\pot?


Well-Known Member
If the ground soil is good for pot then put them in the ground. Ya can dig a hole and put better soil in. Its all in the soil. Good soil grows nice plants.


Well-Known Member
Looks good.
If ya bend the top down and tye it the branches on the side will grow like crazy.


Well-Known Member
Take the very top of the plant and bend it over a little and tye it in place.
Look LST low stress training. Ya will be glad ya did.


Active Member
I made the mistake and put them in an undersized pot the first time. It's amazing how many roots come out of this plant, it was FILLED when I took it out.

I hear most people say 1gall per plant is about right but bigger can't hurt.


Well-Known Member
As far as soil depth, IMO a lot of folks go way bigger than the plant they plan to grow needs. I don't think I've gone more than 2 gallons indoors? I even cut the tap-root on final transplant . . . after all, the plant is indoors and already anchored as deep as it needs, IMO.
When I started using molasses, I'd read here to wait until month 2 of flowering begins to use it. That's what I did and I'll sure use it from here on out.
As far as bending/securing your plant for better light and growth, I just took a few shots of one.
Two nights ago the pic'd plant was pretty much 6 cola spikes. As you can see, I've trained it now and expect a nice canopy by harvest. Pistils showed on the 23rd.
I've got a LST tutorial/pic thing I'm working on. I'll try and post it tomorrow.



Well-Known Member
I bend all my plants over. I end up with a even canopy. My branches grow like crazy. I like it alot!


New Member
I got this one in a pot but it seems to not be as tall as one in the ground would be. Im pretty sure this is a female also looks like it's flowering to me for my first grow it seems to be turning out good. Just taken for ever to grow.

Dude is that a Shii Tzu? It looks just like my little dog.


Well-Known Member
A plants maximum size is determined by how big the root system is and how well that root system can take up nutrients and water. If you want to grow big trees then you need big containers, but there are ways around that.

I agree people often use larger pots than they need because they aren't growing the plants large enough to need that size pot but then again that certainly doesn't hurt anything.

Nothing beats outside where there is no limit to root growth and no indoor lights can do better than the sun can except if the weather outside is wrong or wrong time of year to get good vegitative growth before flowering.

How big do you want that to get and what light(s) are you using. The type and intensity of lights you use also limit how big is practical for you to grow for optimal yield at harvest. That's another mistake people often make is more veg growth than their flowering lights can take advantage of. They end up getting good buds just off the top and almost nothing for the rest of the plants length.