dirt/ hole question

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
should i put a garbage bag with holes in the bottom of it then fill with soil.. all inside a hole of course, just like browndirtwarrior if any of you know who that is im sure you do.. or just straight dirt in holes what would be better? going to plant in holes tonight i think. plants are getting pretty root bound


Active Member
yes you can do the garbage bag with holes but put holes at bottom and also up the sides, maybe like 4 rows of holes on the sides.
plastic does not let oxygen through....i really advise a huge fabric pot.

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
yeah that was my concern to i have some really airy soil so i think i might be alright if i have enough drainage holes.


Well-Known Member
I don't know why you would do that. Just put them in the ground; set those roots free. Dig the ground and turn it a few times to break up the soil into smaller bits, then turn in some worm castings or manure if you'd like. Once you get the hole cultivated nicely, then toss your plants in the ground. No point in complicating things.

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
i know what you mean but the native soil is really shitty and the roots wouldn't get very far in it..its like that light brown almost clay like dry clumpy dirty.


Well-Known Member
You mean the sticky gritty reddish orange clay like this? P1010580.jpg
Why not just leave the bag out of it and fill a hole with good top soil or whatever you'd like to use? Roots can grow places you wouldn't expect them to grow. We have that rock hard clay you're probably talking about here and it will be a good deal of work to turn it, but I mixed in some vermiculite, worm castings, and top soil in with that clay and the plants I have seem to be growing just fine. The N isn't as high in the clay as it is in compost or other soils, but you can always add some Jack's Classic or other favored fertilizer to the soil or the water and it will be more than enough. Plants purpose in life is to grow and reproduce. You don't have to fight them, just give them what they need and you'll be surprised at how great they grow.

Feel free to do what you want to do, I'm just saying that in my experience the more you do to help a plant, the more problems you will encounter.

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
yeah man that definantly looks like its workin for you. ill upload some pics in a few days i just filled a hole with soil.