Dirt on buds


Well-Known Member
I had some early hervest plants and I was cutting one down today and I give them a nice little shake to get bugs out and my dumb ass dropped the plant. So now my tops are covered in dirt, anyone know of a good way to clean my buds up ?


i was just messing with you dude lol. next time have a cardboard box to put you're bud in. and if you have diff strains use the flaps for dividers. or if a cardboard box is to risky for you, use garbage bags. just remember to separate those strains. i grow in an urban area. so walking with a cardboard box back to the car is extremely nonchalant.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I sprayed a couple buds and it didn't seem to help. Lol yeah I just ignored that wire brush comment lol


Well-Known Member
I've had mud on them before, I just let it dry and them I try to just shake it off. But it can take some time.

jessica d

Well-Known Member
make a gentle storm and shake with hose. i have washed off mud many yrs. dont be fire hosing it but they can take a storm lol