DirtHawkers flower room start to finish


Well-Known Member
I have an 8x8x8 ft space ready to start building.
Im doing an aeroponic system.
I already have a clone and veg room with clones that will be ready for the flower room in 6 weeks.

I am gonna start with 2 600w hps with air cooled hoods, then add 2 more when finances allow, same with co2.

This 8x8x8ft room will be built inside of a room, and i will be building 2 walls, then join them together to the existing walls.

Lighting: In the end i want 4 600watt hps.
Can i cool 2 of the 600watters with one inline
should the air to cool the hoods come from
outside if possible? and then vent to the

I was thinking of a vent cut out near
the floor of one wall, with ducting
run to fresh outside air.
Then an inline fan hung from the center
sucking the inside air out (drawing fresh air in)

Co2 will be added eventually... beacuse this is my first time i am looking for input.



Well-Known Member
heres my new flower room,, its 8x8x8, i am gonna run 4 600 watt hps cool tubes, (starting with one)
and an exhaust up and out through the attic, and a passive intake on the lower wall inside. I wanted to make a pretty decent size passive intake vent on the bottom but i cant find info on how to make it light proof (i am running the lights at night)

anyone have any suggestions on where to run the duct for the lights?
Thers 2 windows on either side of the foom that i could run duct to,, is that necessary? or just suck air from the outside room?

and my clones are looking great.


Well-Known Member
good change of pace. I'm currently doing tests in soil under cfl while I finish planning my room and building it. Glad to see someone else using patience to implement what they have learned on here.
Looking forward to seeing your development and sharing mine when it comes that time.


Well-Known Member
for a light trqap on your intake build a box with a hole on top of one side bottom of the other and put 3/4 walls in like a zig zag high on one side low on the other if you follow me and paint it black ... light cant turn corners and if the material is non-reflective it cant reflect around the corners either


Well-Known Member
hmm i would say a 600cfm would do the job. nice room by the way......oh thanks dirt...i appreciate that.


Well-Known Member
I'd try and help but I am in the same spot as you, trying to figure out the best methods for keeping everything cool and functioning! I did just add an inline booster fan to my intake to add cooler air into my veg/clone cab. I'm also going to switch to a 8 bulb t5 light instead of my current 400w MH as I'm having a bit of a heat issue, the room stays a constant 85 degrees so I'm hoping the flouros will drop that down significantly, that and the fixture is free!


Well-Known Member
Yea torrey, dude my t5 4 bulb flouro is awesome.. i would highly reccomend it. thanks.....never used an 8 bulb.


Well-Known Member
I don't either, but the cool thing about it is that I can run as many bulbs as I need to fit my requirements. I'm guessing that I will start it out with only 4 bulbs and then as my systems get full I can add a bulb or 2 and see if it makes any difference. I'm starting from seed so I'm quite a ways behind you lucky folks with access to clones!


Well-Known Member
Yup, check out stinkbuds sticky over in the hydro/aero section, awesome system for a pound every 3 weeks! Easy as pie to make on top of it all.


Well-Known Member
ok i had a vision and thought i would ask opinions

aero/nft perpetual harvest.

2 600 watters on light rails with mondo 20x30 inch reflectors.



Well-Known Member
Im thinking that maybe i wont need to cool my reflectors,, for the next 7 months the average temp in my area is 60 deg f.
If i have fresh outside air being pumped in and a constant exhaust fan, maybe i wont need to screw with all that crap.

and when summer comes around i can add it if needed and or an AC unit?



Well-Known Member
i like what you are doing a lot
I'm curious why you are doing 2 600s on movers
Would 4 fixed 400s be better in this situation?
To me without being in the know, I would think with such a big footprint for what you are doing that you would have to spend a lot of time moving and shifting plants around from the out side edges to center etc.
Just some thoughts
Keep up the great work


Well-Known Member
i like what you are doing a lot
I'm curious why you are doing 2 600s on movers
Would 4 fixed 400s be better in this situation?
To me without being in the know, I would think with such a big footprint for what you are doing that you would have to spend a lot of time moving and shifting plants around from the out side edges to center etc.
Just some thoughts
Keep up the great work
Thanks for the props flam,
The reason im thinking 2 6ers on light movers is effiency and lower cost. 4 lights means 4 ballasts, 4 bulbs 4 reflectors not to mention the electric bill.

and with light movers you wouldnt need to move plants around beacuse of even distribution.

The only thing holding me back from going with the 2 600s on light rails, is i am not sure if heat is going to be an issue.. if it is then it will be a pain to rig the ducting to cool the hoods.


Well-Known Member
I'd try and help but I am in the same spot as you, trying to figure out the best methods for keeping everything cool and functioning! I did just add an inline booster fan to my intake to add cooler air into my veg/clone cab. I'm also going to switch to a 8 bulb t5 light instead of my current 400w MH as I'm having a bit of a heat issue, the room stays a constant 85 degrees so I'm hoping the flouros will drop that down significantly, that and the fixture is free!
hey man i just want to tell you that the t5's put off heat, especially up close you cant leave you hand on the bulbs when its on. im having issues rite now with my t5s on my cloner going to have to rise the t5 to about a foot from 6in, i dont know how many lumens im losing by doing so, but i gotta get that heat down on my babies!! ps i wanted to subscribe to your journal dirt!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the props flam,
The reason im thinking 2 6ers on light movers is effiency and lower cost. 4 lights means 4 ballasts, 4 bulbs 4 reflectors not to mention the electric bill.

and with light movers you wouldnt need to move plants around beacuse of even distribution.

The only thing holding me back from going with the 2 600s on light rails, is i am not sure if heat is going to be an issue.. if it is then it will be a pain to rig the ducting to cool the hoods.
you gotta think that 2 6's is 1200 which is more than 1 1000, so y not just go 1000 on 240v its going to be 4.16 amps which would be a little less than 1000w total kw used for 12 hrs a day are you sog-ing?


Well-Known Member
Hey offthegrid, thanks for stoping by,
Dude, the t5 i have doesnt have heat problems at all.
I had it set 2 inches from my new clones from the beggining, and now they are 8-10 inch plants, still have it 2 inches from the tops and i have to move it up every other day.

mine is a t5 4 bulb.

The 1000 watt light is nice but it wouldnt be ideal, i would need 2,, i like the 600s beacuse you can keep heat down, (cooler then 2 1000) and put them closer to the tops, better light distribution, and better effiency.


Well-Known Member
If i had a 600cfm exhaust fan running on the same timer as the sprayers (1 min on 5 min off) my room is 512 cubic ft. And a straight line 4'' intake duct on ground level running straight out to fresh air, filtered of course" wouldnt that be great? that would give me a full exchange of air every 5 minutes. I would think that would take care of any heat and humidity problems and provide lots of co2.

This is why im thinking light movers with 600watters. I probably wouldnt need to cool the hoods beacuse the air exchange.
