Well-Known Member
Never say sorry for asking a Question it's how we all learn i noticed a nice change in the plant's once adding Silica helps the plants uptakes of nutrients and i really did notice a change plant seemed over all a little more happy i only added Floralicious as one of the other growers on the site was using it and recommend it to mehey man I was just reading back through your posts and saw that you use silica and floralicious and I just wanted to ask why, I know the silica is used to make your rez 'wetter' but I wanted to know if you had better results with that and also why the floralicious? Sorry to bug you with these nooby questions but since im running the same nutes I thought I'd ask to see why you use it incase im missing out on something big here...
I think its a nice add on the girls in veg seem to really enjoy i know one thing i am yielding more every grow i think you get out what you put in i spend a lot of time looking them over training them and dancing for them.... not really the dancing part that might kill them! but really i don't think all the add on are really needed as the environment is key to any successful grow it is just a weed after all and it just needs light and food to grow

But in saying that giving the plant a extra boost can't hurt
More info is here http://generalhydroponics.com/site/index.php/products/supplements/floralicious/floralicious_plus/
If i didn't make any sense let me know and ill try clear it help thanks a lot for dropping in