Dirtysnowball's method of destruction: spider mites


Well-Known Member
so i've seen a bizzillion threads on killing mites and its always some long drawn out battle...
:twisted::twisted::twisted:would you like to watch them die within 1-3seconds? if yes then listen:twisted::twisted::twisted:

I have massacred these little bastards more than once, but one method is an instant kill practically. AND it doesnt harm the plant at all!

Directions: dont try this if your deep into flowering, alcohol melts the trichs
-fill a spray bottle with 91% iso alcohol
-turn off your grow lights, or put your plant in the shade.
-and start misting the little feckers. douse them. they wont even have time to run:fire::fire:
-wait 5min for the alcohol to completely evaporate and then turn your lights back on. all done!

total cost: $1.99 and old spray bottle.


so i've seen a bizzillion threads on killing mites and its always some long drawn out battle...
:twisted::twisted::twisted:would you like to watch them die within 1-3seconds? if yes then listen:twisted::twisted::twisted:

I have massacred these little bastards more than once, but one method is an instant kill practically. AND it doesnt harm the plant at all!

Directions: dont try this if your deep into flowering, alcohol melts the trichs
-fill a spray bottle with 91% iso alcohol
-turn off your grow lights, or put your plant in the shade.
-and start misting the little feckers. douse them. they wont even have time to run:fire::fire:
-wait 5min for the alcohol to completely evaporate and then turn your lights back on. all done!

total cost: $1.99 and old spray bottle.

Does it kill the larvae? When do mites present themselves, do they become more prevalent in a certain light schedule. I have been hearing different things, and I am a newb, thought someone might be able to clear this up for me?

Also, what is good prevention. What can I do to keep from getting these little assholes?
This is godd advice make sure to spray under the leaves as well (do not do this to very young or sick plants). Spider mites dont have larve they have eggs and yes this should render them sterile also. I go a step furtherand rinse them with a mist of water as well after the alchol dries. a step towards prevention would be to hang a solid evaporative total bug killer around your plants. you can get them at home improvement stores. they look kinda like big "glade plugins" you know white plastic outside and yellow somthin or other inside.

Good Luck!


Active Member
This method killed a LOT of foliage. I had a lot of fan leaves discolor and shrivel up. It didn't kill my plant or anything, but as everyone knows fan leaves are vital for healthy plant life. It DID kill the mites, however, and DIDN'T kill my plant, but I would definitely NOT recommend this method. I have no clue how it's a sticky.


Well-Known Member
My remedy costs more but doesn't hurt the foilage..
Going to war four day process
Day one (nuke em) doktor doom fogger $12
Day two (chemical warfare) spray up and down with Mite Rid $27
Day three (chemical warfare) spray with sns 217 $48 top and bottom.
Day four (nuke em) doktor doom fogger $12 (ensure all eggs that possibly could of hatched in this nuclear war with them are dead four days of hell has always worked for me killed every last one)
Day five all mites and eggs dead costs more but I can almost guarantee this will wipe them out I've had to do it twice in the past couple years, it works. Ensure you have excellent intake and exhaust for 4 hours after the fogger, ensure all pets and people aren't around during first four hours of dropping the bombs. I use 2 small cans for a 12x12x7 area. one on each side.
You might say that's overkill, but no way. I've considered fogging the room for the fifth day and always have some on hand just in case I smell something crawling, but so far this is the BEST way to rid mites period. If someone else has another method with a line of products please share. I've tried poisoning them with 3500ppm's of co2, yeah didn't work, just made my plants wilt. Tis a myth. The 91% alcohol thing does it hurt the cell tissue in the leafs? Sounds harsh. I doubt it kills eggs, so sounds like you'd be spraying alcohol on them daily chasing them around daily. On a large grow I don't think its practical, but who knows?
Unless you are almost ready to harvest, have a huge crop, or don't plan on taking any weekend trips I'd just kill everything; bomb the room and start over. Those little shits will come back over and over and over and over and over. None of the products to kill them off really completely wipes them out unless you apply it on a hyper regular basis and check every single day. Which isn't worth it at all unless like I said you are almost ready to harvest, have a huge crop, or don't plan on taking any weekend trips. It only really takes those bastards 1-2 days of oversight to suck you ladies dry and leave you with nothing but a bag of shitty popcorn buds. As for that method I wouldn't douse my hands in that shit let alone any plant I would later want to burn. Ever heard of foliar feeding? You just fed your plant rubbing alcohol....