Disappearing Buds!!!


no idea what happened. I was about two weeks away from harvest,
checked my plant after a couple of days and all the main buds which were growing at the very ends and beginnings of the stems or nodes of whatever you call it were gone or way smaller.
instead there were way more buds beggining to form all along the stems..

but now its like 2 weeks later and buds havent really gotten bigger, although i think the plant might be growing.

ive come up with a few possible explinations like;
its gotten hotter (30 c and above some days),
i found a little green caterpiller (but i could only find one on the whole plant and i killed it asap),
and there are these weird little 4mm long green bugs that ive only recentely noticed hanging around the buds

hoping somebody else has had a similar problem and can help explain this, probabally have to wait until next flowering season now, which sucks!


i just don't buy that insects could eat that much weed so quickly and i wouldn't notice them at all the countless times i was staring at my growing buds... though still, if it was just seasonal, were the fuck are my buds at!!!!


Well-Known Member
i dont know wat kind of critters u guys have over yonder.,.,but catapil lars eat a whole lot and are hard to see unles u lo0k hard.,.,aphids and spider mites suck the life outa ure plant.,.,spider mites leave kind of a web.,.,and catapilars just eats shit like a fat dude at a las vegas chinese buffet


Active Member
and summers just begun!
sounds like U r vegging ..not flowering ... flowering occurs . due to length of day response .. as days get SHORTER flowering occurs .. when days are getting longer it returns to Veg state

In Southern Hemisphere .. your days get shorter after Dec 21..........


Well-Known Member
no idea what happened. I was about two weeks away from harvest,
checked my plant after a couple of days and all the main buds which were growing at the very ends and beginnings of the stems or nodes of whatever you call it were gone or way smaller.
instead there were way more buds beggining to form all along the stems..
i found a little green caterpiller (but i could only find one on the whole plant and i killed it asap),
and there are these weird little 4mm long green bugs that ive only recentely noticed hanging around the buds...snip
caterpillars will reek havoc on a grow in a short time, they'll eat and eat and eat and go into metamorphous wrapping a leaf around themselves.

what i do is gently shake or tap the plant to make the caterpillar fall and then smash the ones that fall or i smash & stuff them into the soil as nutrients or i let my frogs eat them. either way check your plants carefully for caterpillars.

they'll mostly hide inside the bud -- below the center of it -- so you might have to peal the bud open a little to grab them. look for the droppings that look like coffee grounds