Disappointed in "Hallucinatory Substances" thread


Well-Known Member
Not a word and misspelt. You really are ignorant. Plenty of people fuck their lives up with just pot, it has much more to do with the user than the substance in my experience.
Your right on that note, people tend to carry addictive tendencies that outweigh the addictiveness of the drug their using, but i can speak on WHAT I'M SEEING. In my area people are looking pill sick, then you ask them what they've been up to, and they've been rolling on molly the past couple months. Your right and your not, you have zero right to call someone ignorant/hypocritical when that person is saying what their seeing, but your right about the user being worse then the drug in many cases.


Well-Known Member
Wish more people would act like adults (considering everyone on this site SHOULD be one). It can be hard to determine how someone is "coming off" in a message sometimes, may appear ignorant when its not, but calling someone ignorant by what you see on RIU is hypocricy(found the word :D) But yea jumping into my thread and immediately being a dick isn't being ignorant at all.


Well-Known Member
I still don't get it. Sure you can pick through the hallucinatory thread and find stuff from meth to coke to heroin to anything else..but in the description of this forum,it plainly states everything but marijuana...so that includes drugs,any of em..and education on said drugs is what this entire site is about..be it marijuana or crack..in appropriate sections of course..and I may comment on drugs,but don't use em any more,but learned a lot and like to spread knowlege so others won't make mistakes..but 90percent pf my posts are about tripping,be it shrooms,lsd,25c,molly etc...and speaking of molly,if someone stays up a couple days rolling,so what..? No one can party hard without looking tired the day after..take it from me..just cuz someones "crispy" after a trip doesn't mean they are ruining their lives..id eat 2gms in a 12 hour period,and get dressed and go to work..its all up to someones lifestyle and choices,something that no one should have the right to criticize,lest becoming a self imposed government.....


Well-Known Member
Its kinda like going to a movie you don't like then complaining..you knew you didn't like the movie,so why enter the theatre. Savvy?


Well-Known Member
I don't treat disrespectful people with respect.
I'd hazard a guess that what people are calling Molly is some RC cathinone. This is why knowing what you're putting in your body is so important.


Well-Known Member
I still don't get it. Sure you can pick through the hallucinatory thread and find stuff from meth to coke to heroin to anything else..but in the description of this forum,it plainly states everything but marijuana...so that includes drugs,any of em..and education on said drugs is what this entire site is about..be it marijuana or crack..in appropriate sections of course..and I may comment on drugs,but don't use em any more,but learned a lot and like to spread knowlege so others won't make mistakes..but 90percent pf my posts are about tripping,be it shrooms,lsd,25c,molly etc...and speaking of molly,if someone stays up a couple days rolling,so what..? No one can party hard without looking tired the day after..take it from me..just cuz someones "crispy" after a trip doesn't mean they are ruining their lives..id eat 2gms in a 12 hour period,and get dressed and go to work..its all up to someones lifestyle and choices,something that no one should have the right to criticize,lest becoming a self imposed government.....
First of all thanks for staying on subject lol. Yea my view on the hallucinatory thread has changed not gonna lie, i agree there should be a place to talk about all that stuff. And Im not saying them looking sick is a direct link to ruining there lives. But when people are getting to that point there pawning shit for molly, lying to there family for molly, stealing from there family for molly, and doing some not so right things for molly, thats when id classify your life being ruined lol. Obviously its not every molly user turning into trash that'd be hugely exagerating. Just like every roxy user isn't throwing there life away. I only know 2 people like this, but where theres 2 theres more unfortunately. And mentioning molly is all subliminal. People hear there favorite rapper say it and immediately associate it with being cool. I appreciate you chiming in undick like.


Well-Known Member
I don't treat disrespectful people with respect.
I'd hazard a guess that what people are calling Molly is some RC cathinone. This is why knowing what you're putting in your body is so important.

  • I don't treat disrespectful people with respect​


I do however agree that the molly people are getting is most likely not the pure MDMA they think there getting. Had to look up cathinone, never heard of it till now, but sounds feasible

Trippy Mayne

New Member
Don't get me wrong on right occasions ill tap into some shrooms, but half of what I'm seeing in that forum extension are people talkin bout some stupid shit, "Best Drug Combo" "Benzos - Your favorite and why" "Questions about mixing prescriptions with LSD" "online doctor for legit xanax prescription". Those are just some of the highly commented on, retarded threads i found in that forum. Where i come from this is what we call baser shit, was sorta surprised honestly. Soooo many people talking about smoking that spice garbage too. Don't come on a weed site talking about fake weed. That forum should go bye bye imo.
Dont discrace the hallucinatory thread. This is my favorite forum in all RUI. Just like someone said it's says anything other than weed. Hell I'll answer a question to some fuck-tard asking about sniffing paint for all I care..


New Member
This is true, even though i despise that crap, id have a story of my own to share about walmart combinations. (well cvs). So i guess if i really wanted to i could be a contributor to the thread im dissing, which in a way makes me hypocritical. I have no place for pills though, too many of my friends lives went to hell from roxys.

And it seems like molly is this generations roxy.
Molly this generation roxy? What kind of funhouse world are you living in? Lmao


New Member
Dude I know people who do molly all day, everyday. But it's not like I meet crackheads at the corner of my street begging for their next dose of Molly. Don't get me wrong, there are some people who I believe are truely addicted but to say it's this generation roxy is obsurd.


Well-Known Member
Lol well atleast you called the person asking about sniffing paint a fucktard. Maybe I'm the only one on RIU who has a problem with most drugs other then weed. I'm sorry but anything made by man (other then beer and booze) thats intent is to fuck you up is meh in my book. Like i said earlier though im very to each is own, if someone wants to do that shit its all them, just figured It'd be an interesting toke n talk. Some people just felt like it needed to be an argument instead of a discussion.


Well-Known Member
Dude I know people who do molly all day, everyday. But it's not like I meet crackheads at the corner of my street begging for their next dose of Molly. Don't get me wrong, there are some people who I believe are truely addicted but to say it's this generation roxy is obsurd.
Bro what i say isn't fact, hell what no one says in Toke N Talk is fact because odds are were fucken high lol. But i should be aloud to state my opinion without being insulted correct?


Well-Known Member
Lol well atleast you called the person asking about sniffing paint a fucktard. Maybe I'm the only one on RIU who has a problem with most drugs other then weed. I'm sorry but anything made by man (other then beer and booze) thats intent is to fuck you up is meh in my book. Like i said earlier though im very to each is own, if someone wants to do that shit its all them, just figured It'd be an interesting toke n talk. Some people just felt like it needed to be an argument instead of a discussion.
So LSD is bad but cocaine, morphine, and methamphetamine (it does occur naturally as a trace alkaloid) are fine?
The fact is people do drugs despite the countless hours a d trillions of dollars that have been spent trying to stop it. And drugs are dangerous so it is important that drug users have access to reliable factual information about them. Unlike prohibition harm reduction actually works.


Well-Known Member
So LSD is bad but cocaine, morphine, and methamphetamine (it does occur naturally as a trace alkaloid) are fine?
The fact is people do drugs despite the countless hours a d trillions of dollars that have been spent trying to stop it. And drugs are dangerous so it is important that drug users have access to reliable factual information about them. Unlike prohibition harm reduction actually works.
Actually cocaine in drug form isn't all natural, the leaves are burned, burning is a chemical change. Bill Nye the Science guy tought me that one. I probably should have said i want nothing that man has to change in order for it to get me high

Edit: No bill didn't teach me about cocaine lol, but about chemical changes.


Well-Known Member
Really tho dude,no ones selling their t.v. for a point of molly..no one needs molly to be well..and generationaly wise,10 years ago I was importing pressies into these united states..almost millions a month..could you imagine my tolerance? We had a hair salon to disguise the shipments...I ate 30 red supermans in a days time..143mg of pure mdma each pill each time...when I came down I didn't sell my bong for 3 more..opiates and entheogens are tottaly different....pawning shit for molly means that there's an addiction,usually to an adulterant,possibly meth....cathinone or other similar chems could play a part also..have you done either molly or opiates? Maybe before you play ball and umpire,you might wanna swing a bat...my 2 cents...


Well-Known Member
So LSD is bad but cocaine, morphine, and methamphetamine (it does occur naturally as a trace alkaloid) are fine?
The fact is people do drugs despite the countless hours a d trillions of dollars that have been spent trying to stop it. And drugs are dangerous so it is important that drug users have access to reliable factual information about them. Unlike prohibition harm reduction actually works.
Should have read the whole post before replying lol. Yes they should, i think we need to do what some country i saw on a cnbc special did, they decriminalized weed, but if a cop really wants to hastle you for it, instead of charging you, they can refer you to an OPTIONAL drug help course. And what did they know, drug use has gone down. Now i gotta find what country that was.