Disappointed with seed quality


Active Member
Ordered some seeds, the quality of most of the seeds i bought leave something to be desired. I got some automatic snowryders, the seeds were so tiny, maybe 1/4 the size of seeds you normally see. i also got some World of Seeds Colombian Gold, which you would expect to have normal sized seeds, and these were even smaller than the auto seeds! I am not kidding, these things are at most 1-1/2 millimeters in diameter. I am kind of worried they may not germinate when I get ready to grow them.

I thought the snowryders seeds tiny size was typical of autoflowering plants in general, being my first experience with them, but I grew them out and allowed the seeds to properly mature in the bud and they yielded normal sized seeds 3-1/2 to 4 mm in diameter. i have no idea how the breeders got the original seeds so small, the plants i grew were in 6 inch pots and never got bigger than 14 inches tall, and they grew nice, normal sized seeds.

The freebie seeds I got with my order were all normal sized seeds.


Well-Known Member
Seed size is meaningless........many sativa's have especially small seeds when compared to indicas.

Secondly, automatics blow. Some are ok, many are just plain bad.

So, to sum it up........bad seed choices overall.


I could complain about results from a recent order because of a germination rate of only 12 out of 40 seeds. I don't take this as the fault of the seed company, but wrote it off to unfortunate delays in the hot sun or something similar. Bad luck and the exception.

Seed size can be unimportant, but if they are small, white, hollow floaters, I might have something to ask the seed company. If it is one of the reputable ones, it shouldn't be difficult for you.


New Member
Many Breeders pollinate there females to the extreme hence the smaller beans than normal and ill colors ect .. Seen this too many times with the leading breeders in the Industry , private breeders would toss those specimens but in the business they are sold with no care ..

I had people ask me for seeds when I made some crosses and they ask why they are all plump and of size while being uniform .. Simple answer . I only keep the healthiest seeds and toss the odd small ones and those misshapen or showing irregularity ..