Discolored Leaves w/ NO IDEA what's wrong!!! help needed


So I have a few plants that are experiencing a funny yellowish color..

And I have no clue what could be the problem.

They are 3 weeks into veg right now in 3gallon pots.

They all have a good source of Bat Guano (for nitrogen) and some kelp meal (for potash/potassium)

Ive applied 1/2 strength Sensi Grow nutrients 3 times now. All a week apart.

I water about every 4 days right now to force the plants to be thirsty before they get they're water..

I have (2) different strains.. 3 Northern Lights x Blueberry and 3 White Widow x Yumbolt

The NL x BB are a healthier green but are experiencing mild drooping at new top growth.

The White Widow x Yumbolts are experiencing a yellowish color on fan leaves yet are growing exceptionally well.

Any help with the yellowing fan leaves would be great, because I've done a ton of research but can't seem to put my finger on the right solution.

DSC_0179.jpgDSC_0176.jpgDSC_0177.jpgDSC_0183.jpg Pictures #1, #2, #4 are White Widow. #3 is Blueberry NL
Thanks in Advance,
if you're using guano and kelp its probably not a N problem, i'd suggest introducing some calmag...when one of my plants had a calcium deficiency it looked just like this and since calcium takes longer to traverse its way through the plant, holding off on watering like that is really stunting the nutrient distribution.


Active Member
if anything, i think your over nuting, plus your pots look a little dry, dont over starve, you'll kill them? personally id be giving water for a few days only, then a 25 -- 50% diluted feed and build them back up, water every other day


well ourdoor temps are very very chilllly so my room is sitting around 70 degrees thru out the day 24/7 and humidity is sitting around 65% -70% at most and i give about half a water bottle to each one. soil seems to be staying wet for 3 to 4 days and the 600w light is about 1 foot from plants


Active Member
it looks like a Ph problem that's causing nitrogen or magnesium deficiency

??????????? calcium id say, how do you know his ph???
we dont. but he claims he has done a ton of research so i'm assuming he's at the very least checking his pH to make sure thats not the case. if the levels are right, i bet its low nutrient uptake due to not watering enough and with that much fert in his mixture you'd be seeing leaf burn and deposits if high nutes was the problem.


it looks like a Ph problem that's causing nitrogen or magnesium deficiency

??????????? calcium id say, how do you know his ph???

I don't. But he says he giving them nutes and most N and mag deficiencies are caused by Ph lock......................


Well-Known Member
The condition of these plants display the classic symptoms of ph problems and perhaps a bit of overwatering. It's not as easy a problem to fix as say, some spotting from over nuting. Your growth is going to slow down for a while until the problem is solved, and that means you'll need to pull back on watering. Make sure you're pulling them out and watering them over the sink or somewhere out of the grow area so they don't stew in their own run off, reabsorbing runoff water is not good for plants, and this very problem you're having can be caused by poor watering practices.


well i never water unless soil is dry like 2 inches in the soil.

What i wasnt doing before....that i am doing now...is watching the 2 different strains and how they grow.

the Blueberry NL is sucking up water alott slower than the White Widow. So im giving the NL berry an extra day between watering.

I water with Arrowhead Bottled water everytime and ive tested the PH and its at a consistent 6.9-7.1(obviously) lol

This may be the problem? because i think 6.5 would be alot better.

thank you for all the responses.

I will have to buy some Sensi CALMAG,

bring PH down .5

and find the right watering schedule for each individual strain

These strains are definitely giving me more problems than my Romulan and Headband were...

but this is also my first indoor grow lol

thanks again


Well-Known Member
Could be your water if you arent treating with a little ph down. Spendy water. Of course you will need to give it a good flush to snap them back into the game, make sure your water temps arent cold either.


wow, i havent thought of water temps. thanks man that actually makes a ton of sense. just bought some PH testing and UPnDOWN


Well-Known Member
it looks like a Ph problem that's causing nitrogen or magnesium deficiency.
Agreed. Some look overfed/and or overwatered. yet the first pic, see the very purple stem. N and P looks to be locked out. Last pics shows signs of ph flux. I would get some dolomite and topdress with it and just go with water for a week or so to get your ph incheck.