Dish Soap/Spinosad

Mort Fink

New Member
Darn it! I been dealing with fungus gnats, originally thought they we're thrips. Long story short after a few weeks I got pissed off and tried a spinosad soil soak for the larvae. I don't know if spinosad is safe for in the soil as the product I have is a foliage spray. To complicate matters even more I added a drop of dish soap per gallon to really kill em'. I've heard success stories, but should have trusted my gut. I tested a plant and nothing happend for a day or so, I then proceeded to water all my plants with it. Big mistake it took a couple days to act. The second day after I saw black spot appear on certain leaves on all my plants, the next day tips and edges we're black and rust colored and drooping, I flushed. Today they are less droopy, but still look pretty bad. Could have been the Spinosad, most likely was they dish soap with bleach alternative. Any advice? It was a dumb mistake I know so don't rag on me for that. I just figured Id tell about and post some pics to see if anyone wants to chime in or has anything relevant to add. Thankfully not all my plants look as bad as this one.



Well-Known Member
I use CONSERVE NATURALYTE which is a SPINOSAD product. I have found that when mixed as a soil drench it tends to alter the pH of your soil.

If you can test the pH of your soil then do it. I bet its quite high.

Have you been feeding this plant at all as it also looks like your bottom growth is a little pale.


Mort Fink

New Member
It pretty young maybe a month or so, the yellowing came right after the spinosad/ dish soap mix which Im sure was the problem. there should still be nutes in the soil feeding them. They are in MG organic and MG perlite. I know too much MG. I test my runoff and they have been high lately between 7.1-7.6 and no matter how much I flush it stays up. I was think maybe I added to much dolomite lime and thats why it won't come down.
i did the same thing too but only using dishsoap and my leaves start getting black spots on them and you can see though them


Well-Known Member
I tried Doktor Doom and really like it i sprayed twice just to be precautious and haven't see any bugs at all but the plants look like they have some type of nutrient disorder over watering or other issues. What dirt or it all perlite?