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Well-Known Member
You're a fucking idiot.
Why do you mock my religion? I might not agree with your atheism and personally think it's stupid, but I'm not mocking.

That's why I made an account to tell people not all Buddhists believe in a self power, when in fact most Asians believe in an other power, similar to Christianity, in the fact you pray to a diety for salvation, but that's where the similarity ends.

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
Why do you mock my religion? I might not agree with your atheism and personally think it's stupid, but I'm not mocking.

That's why I made an account to tell people not all Buddhists believe in a self power, when in fact most Asians believe in an other power, similar to Christianity, in the fact you pray to a diety for salvation, but that's where the similarity ends.
Why do you bring your religious beliefs to the fore front ?
We all have beliefs but you wear yours like they are superior?

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
Pure Land is a form of Mahayana, but isn't remotely like the Tibetan version you're confusing it with.

I don't think you understand Pure Land developed by Master Shandao only requires you recite the name of Amitabha and that faith in that alone is the only requirement to get born into sukhavati, the land of utmost bliss. No meditation or self enlightenment is required, and is in fact discouraged.

Shinran Shonin explains how this happens doesn't matter.

"Shariputra, if a good man or woman who hears of Amida Buddha holds fast to his Name even for one day, two days, three, four, five, six or seven days with a concentrated and undistracted mind, then, at the hour of death, Amida Buddha will appear before them with a host of holy ones. Consequently, when their life comes to an end, the aspirants' minds will not fall into confusion and so they will be born immediately in the Land of Utmost Bliss of Amida Buddha. Shariputra, perceiving these benefits, I say: All sentient beings who hear this teaching should aspire to birth in that land."

You aren’t even comprehending the most fundamental concepts of Buddhism or Vedic Thought. I’m done with you. Go read a book.


Well-Known Member
Pure Land is a form of Mahayana, but isn't remotely like the Tibetan version you're confusing it with.

I don't think you understand Pure Land developed by Master Shandao only requires you recite the name of Amitabha and that faith in that alone is the only requirement to get born into sukhavati, the land of utmost bliss. No meditation or self enlightenment is required, and is in fact discouraged.

Shinran Shonin explains how this happens doesn't matter.

"Shariputra, if a good man or woman who hears of Amida Buddha holds fast to his Name even for one day, two days, three, four, five, six or seven days with a concentrated and undistracted mind, then, at the hour of death, Amida Buddha will appear before them with a host of holy ones. Consequently, when their life comes to an end, the aspirants' minds will not fall into confusion and so they will be born immediately in the Land of Utmost Bliss of Amida Buddha. Shariputra, perceiving these benefits, I say: All sentient beings who hear this teaching should aspire to birth in that land."



Well-Known Member
Pure Land is a form of Mahayana, but isn't remotely like the Tibetan version you're confusing it with.

I don't think you understand Pure Land developed by Master Shandao only requires you recite the name of Amitabha and that faith in that alone is the only requirement to get born into sukhavati, the land of utmost bliss. No meditation or self enlightenment is required, and is in fact discouraged.

Shinran Shonin explains how this happens doesn't matter.

"Shariputra, if a good man or woman who hears of Amida Buddha holds fast to his Name even for one day, two days, three, four, five, six or seven days with a concentrated and undistracted mind, then, at the hour of death, Amida Buddha will appear before them with a host of holy ones. Consequently, when their life comes to an end, the aspirants' minds will not fall into confusion and so they will be born immediately in the Land of Utmost Bliss of Amida Buddha. Shariputra, perceiving these benefits, I say: All sentient beings who hear this teaching should aspire to birth in that land."

Appeal to authority and invoking deity.
Logical fallacies
Dumb dressed in smart clothes


Well-Known Member
First off, dipshit, Buddhism isn't a religion. It's a practice.

Secondly, I'm not mocking it, I'm mocking you because you're a dumbass. For instance, this statement:

Mahayana is taught in Tibet you shit for brains.

The simple fact is, you have absolutely NO IDEA WHATSOEVER what you're talking about.
Mahayana is a vehicle of Buddhist thought and not only in Tibet. The most practiced Buddhism is Japan is Jodo Shinshu by Shinran Shonin, a branch of Mahayana. Which is very similar to mine, if not identical, by Master Shandao.

Why do you insult when it's you who has no idea of every Buddhism? I don't know all of them either and mostly mine.

Why do you act to know my religion I was born with?

You brought this upon yourself and all the others who claim I'm not Buddhist. You science types want proof, and I .give it. Yet you still poke fun thinking you know more about my religion which you're not, calling me a "fucking idiot."

Whether or not you think I live up to a standard in no way denies what I really am.

Just like many republicans I don't think we should deny religions place in society. I also disagree with Skyler that religion should stay stashed away at home, and disagree with Republicans the only valid religion is Christianity.

But because I dare agree with some points Republicans do, sort of,.those like you call me alt-right, even though I'm closer to very far left with my views on being pro socialism and against capitalism. So I then say "you got me" and I mock you with righty talking points with my lefty views, knowing you don't give a fuck about what I'm really saying, because all you see is the distraction you bite on, making me laugh at you.

But I digress. Foam on!

"Proclaiming the unexcelled Mahayana teaching,
He would attain the stage of joy and be born in the land of happiness."


Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
Mahayana is a vehicle of Buddhist thought and not only in Tibet. The most practiced Buddhism is Japan is Jodo Shinshu by Shinran Shonin, a branch of Mahayana. Which is very similar to mine, if not identical, by Master Shandao.

Why do you insult when it's you who has no idea of every Buddhism? I don't know all of them either and mostly mine.

Why do you act to know my religion I was born with?

You brought this upon yourself and all the others who claim I'm not Buddhist. You science types want proof, and I .give it. Yet you still poke fun thinking you know more about my religion which you're not, calling me a "fucking idiot."

Whether or not you think I live up to a standard in no way denies what I really am.

Just like many republicans I don't think we should deny religions place in society. I also disagree with Skyler that religion should stay stashed away at home, and disagree with Republicans the only valid religion is Christianity.

But because I dare agree with some points Republicans do, sort of,.those like you call me alt-right, even though I'm closer to very far left with my views on being pro socialism and against capitalism. So I then say "you got me" and I mock you with righty talking points with my lefty views, knowing you don't give a fuck about what I'm really saying, because all you see is the distraction you bite on, making me laugh at you.

But I digress. Foam on!

"Proclaiming the unexcelled Mahayana teaching,
He would attain the stage of joy and be born in the land of happiness."

“Foam on!” he exclaimed as he, himself, foamed on at the mouth and the butthole. But I repeat myself.


Well-Known Member
Mahayana is a vehicle of Buddhist thought and not only in Tibet. The most practiced Buddhism is Japan is Jodo Shinshu by Shinran Shonin, a branch of Mahayana. Which is very similar to mine, if not identical, by Master Shandao.

Why do you insult when it's you who has no idea of every Buddhism? I don't know all of them either and mostly mine.

Why do you act to know my religion I was born with?

You brought this upon yourself and all the others who claim I'm not Buddhist. You science types want proof, and I .give it. Yet you still poke fun thinking you know more about my religion which you're not, calling me a "fucking idiot."

Whether or not you think I live up to a standard in no way denies what I really am.

Just like many republicans I don't think we should deny religions place in society. I also disagree with Skyler that religion should stay stashed away at home, and disagree with Republicans the only valid religion is Christianity.

But because I dare agree with some points Republicans do, sort of,.those like you call me alt-right, even though I'm closer to very far left with my views on being pro socialism and against capitalism. So I then say "you got me" and I mock you with righty talking points with my lefty views, knowing you don't give a fuck about what I'm really saying, because all you see is the distraction you bite on, making me laugh at you.

But I digress. Foam on!

"Proclaiming the unexcelled Mahayana teaching,
He would attain the stage of joy and be born in the land of happiness."

Oh, hey, glad to see you around!!!!!

alt.right boy!!!!

You don't mind that term do you? I mean I'm just joking when I say it even though you clearly are alt.right. But I'm just figuratively slapping you on the back and laughing with you when I call you that because it's funny, right? Haw Haw

Hey, I was wondering if you would explain to me why you alt.righties sometimes get all angry and shit and just drive your cars into crowds. Right, because you and me we hang out at riu and I feel this makes us so we can be all informal and make up nicknames for each other. Right, alt.right boy?


Well-Known Member
Mahayana is a vehicle of Buddhist thought and not only in Tibet. The most practiced Buddhism is Japan is Jodo Shinshu by Shinran Shonin, a branch of Mahayana. Which is very similar to mine, if not identical, by Master Shandao.

Why do you insult when it's you who has no idea of every Buddhism? I don't know all of them either and mostly mine.

Why do you act to know my religion I was born with?

You brought this upon yourself and all the others who claim I'm not Buddhist. You science types want proof, and I .give it. Yet you still poke fun thinking you know more about my religion which you're not, calling me a "fucking idiot."

Whether or not you think I live up to a standard in no way denies what I really am.

Just like many republicans I don't think we should deny religions place in society. I also disagree with Skyler that religion should stay stashed away at home, and disagree with Republicans the only valid religion is Christianity.

But because I dare agree with some points Republicans do, sort of,.those like you call me alt-right, even though I'm closer to very far left with my views on being pro socialism and against capitalism. So I then say "you got me" and I mock you with righty talking points with my lefty views, knowing you don't give a fuck about what I'm really saying, because all you see is the distraction you bite on, making me laugh at you.

But I digress. Foam on!

"Proclaiming the unexcelled Mahayana teaching,
He would attain the stage of joy and be born in the land of happiness."

Do you get the sense that no one likes you and we all think you’re a fraud?


Well-Known Member
Do you get the sense that no one likes you and we all think you’re a fraud?
No one? Skyler gives me likes and she's way more lefty than you. And I like her too. So it has nothing to do with lefties. I just don't fake lefties DINOs like you.
