I am an OMM patient and I know for a fact that there are no actual dispensaries in the state of Oregon. They are not currently legal. That debate will go under ballot this November for votes on whether or not to allow. You should be out campaigning right now for them to pass! haha
What you might have come across is one of the many cannabis clubs starting throughout the state? There are some in Portland, Keizer, Bend, Eugene, ... They allow you to come on-site, smoke, share bud, clones, ... You can even donate to the club itself and be given bud at one of the club meetings.
The big difference between these clubs and actual dispenceries is that a club is not able to SELL marijuana. Most are non-profit with low overhead, that can legally accept DONATIONS, in which they can GIFT you marijuana in return. But there's certainly no, here's my $100, i'd like a quater of white russion. It's more, hey I like what you guys do for the community & medical program, here's $100. In which, these guys are chill and may surprise you with more than a quarter, which you typically get a week after your donation. But nothing is negotiated, and you usually do not have an IMMEDIATE exchange otherwise that would cross the boundaries and be illegal.