Oregon threatens to send National guard to stop black market grows

This has been going on for way too long. It's about time to send in the guard, and start making some high level arrests, going after the organizers of these illegal farms. They use chemicals that are only meant to be used on ornamental plants, and pesticides that kill pollinators and then runs off into what little ground water there is and kills aquatic insects and the fish that eat them. They threaten their workers, and locals who have anything to say about their operations. These are not mom and pop operations, they're industrial operations that spread level pollution.
Defending these people is ridiculous, and only makes those doing it look like ill informed children. These are criminals who will kill to protect their profits, while exploiting their workers, and threatening locals to stay silent, a totally different level of criminal than the Bubbas and Jim Bobs growing to pay their bills. Saying they're just foreign farmers trying to make a living is beyond ridiculous, it's dangerously close to stupidity.
You're just being insensitive to the immigrant population and their culture. They don't have to assimilate or follow your laws on stolen land. Let them do their thing and grow their crops, go harass someone else...they should probably go look for murderers and rapists, not farmers. Sounds like they are just doing some of that agricultural work Americans don't wanna do.
You're just being insensitive to the immigrant population and their culture. They don't have to assimilate or follow your laws on stolen land. Let them do their thing and grow their crops, go harass someone else...they should probably go look for murderers and rapists, not farmers. Sounds like they are just doing some of that agricultural work Americans don't wanna do.
Are you for real? The "immigrant population and their culture" is poisoning the land around their "farms", selling poisoned weed, and abusing then abandoning their "employees" ? Stolen land? Are you gonna pack up and give it back to the American Indians? Think they'll take you back in Transylvania?
They aren't doing any of that, otherwise they would get arrested for it, wouldn't they? No? You're all up in arms but nobody is being held responsible because it is not happening. They are just farmers who are getting robbed by the system. And here you are cheering on the cops to raid farmers and probably think they need more funding. bongsmilie
You are either trolling me, or you're not a particularly intelligent individual. Either way, I don't feel like playing anymore. Congratulations, you're the first person I've ignored here.