dispensary in tucson?

...pure ignorance roots dont make sugars
But your just so fucking informed


Your trying to learn but honestly you moved just for this. I did try to post your best pic and honestly I am surprised you have had the nerve to try to lecture me on how to grow.LOl.. or about being informed

No fuck wit, im here to learn. Not tell everyone how fucking great i am at everything.

I was talking about this:
Besides the enumerated factors which can influence the grower, there are processes in the root-zone, which are influenced by the plant itself. These are the so-called root-exudates. These separation-products can consist sugars, amino acids, phenols, phenol-acids or other organic combinations. Sugars and amino acids can serve as nutrition for the plant, so they can play a grow-stimulating role. Phenol-combinations and certain organic acids can restrain the growth of the plant if the strength is too high. Also bio-stimulators can be a part of it. Bio-stimulators can break down all kind of organic combination so the plant can absorb it.

SO i miss spoke slightly. You are still a shitty grower with a fucking awful attitude. Oh and your also your a fucking idiot for not knowing about root exudates. Too bad you just knew i was wrong, but didnt not know what was right. YOu are a fucking waste of space, bad attitude dick cheese. Plus you think hydro is better tasting than soil, what a retard.

So keep doing what you do, without trying to learn or get better. In a few short years all be far better than you, and ill not act like the king of the world once that happens.
You are right though, that this by far my worst grow. its what happens when you have more going on in your life than just weed. (its also what happens when you try to just mix up substrates and hope for the best.) Am i embarrassed? not at all. But i do know that i am well liked on this site, an you are not. People help me out like crazy, and i have had some of the nicest people help get me in the right direction. Which is why 90% of my other grows have been amazing. Its just this one and one other that has not been so great.

Give me 2 years to finish my degree, and the time to actually work in my garden before you talk shit on my skills(which i have NEVER claimed to be great), and seeing as how you are old as fuck and probably have zero life outside of weed seems fair to me, you have the time to wait. Because bringing out pics that i myself posted to try and make me feel stupid is childish and petty. But its true, im not a great grower, and that grow is not going well. Im sure ALL your grows have ALWAYS gone well. Always. right?

Go suck an egg you dickhead. Its called a learning curve, and im only halfway through it.
YOUR really not worth talking to. I know about roots and more than what you just copied and pasted.
I also never said hydro tasted better but as good. I never discussed root exudates either other than correcting your misinformation and I know about them and there function in soil. What you have is a classic case of FUCKTARDATION

[TD="class: index"][/TD]
[TD="class: word"] Fucktardation

[TD="class: tools"][/TD]

[TD="class: text, colspan: 2"] a highly undesirable circumstance; the state in which fucktards are doomed to continually exist. Paradoxically, fucktards (consciously or unconsciously) also perpetuate the state of fucktardation everywhere they go. Thus, the fucktard essentially functions as a living virus of fucktardation.

2. The mental state of someone who is a complete fucking idiot.

The bottom line is you shouldn't go around lecturing people when you don't know shit yourself . Also I am in my 40s maybe old as shit to you LOl
YOUR really not worth talking to. I know about roots and more than what you just copied and pasted.
I also never said hydro tasted better but as good. I never discussed root exudates either other than correcting your misinformation and I know about them and there function in soil. What you have is a classic case of FUCKTARDATION

[TD="class: index"][/TD]
[TD="class: word"] Fucktardation
[TD="class: tools"][/TD]

[TD="class: text, colspan: 2"] a highly undesirable circumstance; the state in which fucktards are doomed to continually exist. Paradoxically, fucktards (consciously or unconsciously) also perpetuate the state of fucktardation everywhere they go. Thus, the fucktard essentially functions as a living virus of fucktardation.

2. The mental state of someone who is a complete fucking idiot.[/TD]

Lol IM fucktarded....but YOU'RE still full of YOUR own bullshit. Try to master some grammar before you go around calling other retards.
Is this a English forum fucktard?
I was more than nice last time we disagreed
and wished you luck. Now you continue to say how
how others dont know shit and how I am "one of the most misinformed"

I am demoting you from fucktard.
Is this a English forum fucktard?
I was more than nice last time we disagreed
and wished you luck. Now you continue to say how
how others dont know shit and how I am "one of the most misinformed"

I am demoting you from fucktard.

Hey man check this out.... go stuff your niceness right up your old asshole. Not interested in you wishing me luck either. You are dumb as shit, and you think you know more than you do.
Also stop stealing my word fucktard, be original you putz, or has dementia set in that bad???
Ok your to stupid to grow a weed halfway well.
You have never finished school.
You lecture others on things you don't know about.
However I am dumb as shit. LOl

Go fuck yourself you ignorant ass mother fucker.

Hydra-"Try to master some grammar before you go around calling other retards".
Ok you're too BUSY to grow a weed halfway well.
You have never finished school.(did you even ATTEND school? You speak like old people fuck, ugly and sloppy. Working on degree two ATM)
You lecture others on things you don't know about.(misspoke ONE time)
However I am dumb as shit. LOl(YES!)

Go fuck yourself you ignorant ass mother fucker.
Fixed that for you.
Goddamned this is America, where did you learn English at, Nepal???

So much wrong with so little.

p.s. you keep saying i CANT grow weed well, this is my second grow not to go well, all others have been a-ok. But keep talking that bullshit dufus.
Why don't you guys meet in a parking lot and settle it the old fashioned way rather than stuffing what should be a peaceful grow site full of the opposite.
Why don't you guys meet in a parking lot and settle it the old fashioned way rather than stuffing what should be a peaceful grow site full of the opposite.

Was fur ein Arshloch
Look, Im young and in shape, he is old and has one foot in the grave, it would be a dreadful day for mr coolman. Not that I would sink to that level of immaturity, that would be petty. I know thecoolman, he doesnt know me, but I know EXACTLY who he is. I doubt he would be talking this level of shit if he realized. But after all its just the internet and people can say what they want about what ever they want. Who cares at the end of the day lol. He is a nice enough guy, but he thinks he knows more than he does. One of many in the MMJ world like that.

At the end of the day id rather be me, young and pretty, with my shitty grows and misinformation about root sugar, than an old halfwit, that thinks he is better and smarter than he is. Is there even a need to say anything else on the subject?
Fuck on the street have a pic battle on here. Or better yet i'll give u guy's the same cut and we'll see who really know what...LOL I'LL Judge....:grin:

No actually you don't KNOW shit and have no idea who your dealing with.

"who im dealing with" ok settle down Tony Soprano, your heart might explode. Just who are you then??? I could describe you, give out your name, and what kind of car you have etc...would that prove anything?
Nope, and i would NEVER do that. Instead, next time i do see your old wrinkled ass, ill just come up and ask if you have anything to say to my face, then ill listened to you back track and trip over apology after apology. See you soon.

p.s. god damned you are bad at English!!!!
LOL nice try on the backtrack

"you dont know who your dealing with" Too bad im Johnny-on-the-spot and quoted that laughable quasi-threat. Man you are now in the range of "full retarded"
and you know what they say about that???

Getting tired of the net games but please say what kind of car i drive ..fool

you REALLY dont want me to do that. And i wouldn't on this site anyways. It would only further ruin my already terrible reputation 'round these parts.
Ill run into you sooner or later, its a small town. We can talk about it then ya?
I have had TSA find my stash...they did nothing other than call over the PhxPD who visually verified my card. They sent me on my way. Actually one of my more pleasant interactions with TSA - I fly to CA all the time for business and i always bring my meds.
I'm still waiting for the truth on this. TSA allows you to carry weed on an airplane? Calling bs on this post.