Disposing of plants


Well-Known Member
I was too paranoid to throw mine away i gave it to my dog and she kinda ate it. I would leave them outside to decompose and dryout and just leave them or put them with some yard clipping and trash them.


Well-Known Member
when I notice a male that has to go ,,or a hermie,,I put a plastic bag over it,,chop it,,and crumple up the bag,,and throw it in the bin with other garbage,,but not in a bag of my regular garbage,,apartment living ya know,,

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
or you can make some oil out of them if you want. its not very potent but its better then throwing them out and waste you hard work.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I mulch them into my lawn with my lawnmower. Actually I do that with all my discards. Stems stalks and roots.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I threw out all the roots and stuff in my yard waste with other garden stuff. We have special bags designed for yard waste and organic waste such as grass, branches, plants, food waste etc. anything that they can recycle into an organic mulch that we can purchase from the dump. We are becoming a more green community. I like it.