Distilled Water


Well-Known Member
Yes, distilled water is preferrable to tap water because it does not contain much of the chemicals that are in tap water. But like topekoms said, check the pH because distilled water can still have a pH that is fairly high.


New Member
I always take from the hot tap however is scotland we are world wide know for very good water i leave it to stand a min of 24hrs then take a ph test in bulk BEFORE i add it, its a case of sort the problem before you have a problem, your plants will thank me and you for this small act of thinking ahead.


Well-Known Member
i use the distilled, reverse osmosis water cost a little more than just distilled steam water but IMO it may be better?


Well-Known Member
Distilled is actually prefered over all other waters in quite a few threads and posts in here. I used natural spring water (deer park) my entire last grow and it was very neutral. This grow I am using distilled until I get an RO system built in.


Well-Known Member
If distilled water has a higher pH, wouldn't mixing the nutes in make it a little more acidic lowering the pH?

I guess if your using the water alone it may be a problem though.


Well-Known Member
A lot of tap water has high levels of chlorine in it, not at all dangerous to humans, but possibly making the pH of the water not suitable for plant growing. It's really something that has to be compounded with another issue in order to become anything serious, otherwise regular water works fine.