Disturbing question

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Alright scotty, you need to tone it down a few notches. This is an online forum about growing marijuana. Not your personal forum to spout hate speech.

You want to start bringing mumsy into it? Big hard tough guy ripping on a defenseless old woman? Right. Just like a racist.

You can hate Americans because we took the fertile "new world" from you and left you with the shitty cold rainy UK, but it wasn't yours to begin with. I'd be angry and drunk all day too if the sun came out 3 times a year and I had the complexion of linen sheet.

In the end you should focus your energy on positive things and try to make the most out of your shitty life situation. There's no room for racist hate speech here.


Well-Known Member
I love england home of tea, bentleys, phone boxes, black cabs (taxis for the yanks), rain, queen lizzy, and football (soccer for the yanks)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Chongo
Actually, I was hoping to start an argument about Scottish and Americans.

bloody rag talk will do it every time


Active Member
Well going back to the original post, it sounds pretty gross but fuck as long as he flushes the plants I would still smoke it if the price was right. I have smoked plenty of mexican crap and you never really know whats been done to that.

southern homegrower

Well-Known Member
feal free southern. is there a yank/ an american that isn't so wrapped up in there own view that they are aware that europe isn't a country.or that the uk crompises 4 countrys. i fucking hate ur country. u cunts try to push ur fuckin atitude on the rest of the planet. fuck ur semper fie ., and ur pretend president
Well I agree about the president


Well-Known Member
ur fuckin arrogent country attemts to push a fuckin theory based on robbery as a way to live. i hate islam, coz its a fuckin control attitude, same as u cunts. the world hopes u destroy each other. are u aware there is a world not involving u? fuckin die and leave the rest of us to get on with it. just get more space shuttles and fuck off/.
Im from the UK....Dude chill out, smoke a doobie, relax yourself...Settle down now...Meritocracy is bullshit, we all know, regardless being sucha prick ( regardless of your views ) aint gonna do shit for ya

peace and love, smoke up a doobie and jam to some floyd, or whatever kinda music floats your boat, as long as its not lil wayne or X-factor...Peace


Well-Known Member
lol guys. nah sorry its not funny jeff. ur patters shit. yanks are the dumbest white men onna palnet.europeans kinda agree with wot u do, not coz its rite, but if a spastics waving a stick around its easier to be behind tnem.
at least when I talk people understand what I am saying ;-)


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by dura72
gaunyersel jeff
"GaunYersel" The Self Management Strategy for Long Term Conditions can be accessed on the website of the Long Term Conditions Alliance Scotland.

once again more incoherent rambling :roll:


Active Member
In my mind, making generalizations is pretty ignorant, so I think it is ironic that you are calling all of us Americans the arrogant cunts. You obviously think you are better than us, so arent you a bit arrogant? I dont really take offense because I realize there are a lot of dumbasses here, but to say that everyone is, thats some bullshit. I didnt choose to be born here, I dont choose to live here, it would be too hard to move to another country. Sometimes a few bad apples can spoil the bunch, its a shame because living here isnt all that bad, I know plenty of great people. Sometimes I just get sick of people making stupid generalizations about the American populous, not everyone is the same.