Diy co2


Well-Known Member
By now everyone knows how to create co2 with water yeast and sugar so I wont break that process down. One thing I ran across that may help all the folks that use this method, was one day while shaking the bottles the thought crossed my mind. If you get this release of co2 from disturbing the settlement how could I disturb it all the time and get a more concistent supply of co2 in the room.
I use 2 3.5 gallon water bottles. The only thing new I did was to take an air pump with two large bubble rocks, sink it to the bottom of the bottle and let the air disturb the settlement.
It works nice, thought this may help someone else...


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, I have it on a timer to run only while the lights are on. Figured the mix would last longer.

Active Member
do you place the bottles under the plants so the co2 raises? I'm curious about distribution for a dwc stealth 4 plant system.


Well-Known Member
Introducing air into your fermenting mixture may cause it to become infected and start to smell. Did you know that once fermentation is done it has as much alcohol as wine and you can get drunk off it? Just try to pour without stirring up the yeast on the bottom. Don't drink it though if you didn't have a stopper or a balloon on top with a needle hole in it to keep the air out.:peace:


Active Member
yeah homebrewing is great ALMOST as fun as growing, but i didnt even think about the co2 implications of doing them together, a really inexpensive way to brew some pretty good wine is to go to walmart and get a case of the frozen juice concentrate (pasturized with no preservatives) and a 5 gallon fermenter add all the frozen shit and 5 lbs. sugar top off with warm water and add a packet of champagne yeast (most towns have a homebrew shop where you can pick some up for $0.75 add the air lock and just wait till it stops bubbling it does put out a fair amount of co2 hard to say if its enough for an indoor garden but anything is better then nothing and youll end up with some potent ass wine,


Well-Known Member
Ha, didnt think of that, luckily i have bubble rocks to hand so i'll set this up later. Also starting with carbonated water with the sugar an yeast will surely add a little bit more lol