For real though ive been anti HUMBOLDT ENAILS since day 1. The guy/owner/creator is a punk bitch. Like you said DAB, always taking credit for others inventions. I called him out on the flat coils and it shut him up real quick because hes always postin peoples designs saying "this person ripped off my design"
Literally the first time i researched PIDs and DIY enail i found aubers website, then found the little PIDs, the started researchin if anyone used them and if they were as sturdy.
Thats the problem with Humboldts enails too, he uses small SSRs that cant handle the constant load of the coils. Thats why they suggest a 25A SSR when the coils only pullin a couple of amps. Without the large SSR it would build up heat quickly, increasing resistance, which is probably what blew the guys power button. The SSR was just askin for too much power and the plug couldnt support that heat/resistance. Especially if left on for a while which many of them are.
Last thing i saw the colored displays on the auber site the first time i researched. Well over a year ago maybe even more. I dont think its anything crazy because other companies make different colored ones so its one of those things where youre not really changing any of the mechanics just the appearance.