DIY E-Nail

Moss logs

Well-Known Member
i ordered a gimido enail and my temperatures keep fluctuating and i cant access my p.i.d settings. i have a xmt612 has anybody had the same issues


New Member
I agree that 300f is way too low..Using a k type thermocouple wire sensor to calibrate the temps of the dish to optimum vaping temps I found that what should have been a good temp 580 on PID / ~385f on dish, was too low a temp for the dish. It would leave unvaped residue unlike the higher temps, required longer pulls and more of them to vape a dab. It vapes so slow that while it does taste good the vapor to air ratio caused by the slow vape dilutes it too much. at 680 my dish is 485 and vapes a dab in a reasonable amount of pulls without tasting burned and without being diluted by too much air due to vaping too slow. Also no visible 'wet' residue left behind. Also not that anyone asked but I leave my dab station running 24/7 and have had zero issues. The unit never heats up (except for the coil) and having plugged it into power meter, it uses a steady 30watts @ 0.5amps. With a rate of 8.85 cents/kWh this costs $1.90/month to run. I believe it's much cheaper than refillable torches.
Are you using a 100w coil for that pricing on energy


New Member
Looks good thanks for the PID settings. Do you know how much it changes due to different coil size?? Im assuming the coils are nearly identical just never know what a half turn extra or less of coil can do. Also how fragile are the coils? So if you type in the wrong settings will if fuck them up hard??

Also like the piece too. Looks perfect for a daily driver.

Also i think im going to use mini xlr for mine. I really like components that mount without any screws or bolts. Only problem is finding everything thats made for the same size wall thickness if it has clips. And to find screw mount components like the xlr/mini xlr.

Any problems you ran into that youd like to share so we dont??
Does anyone know about how many AMPs the coil would be pulling with the PID/SRR at max draw (when turning it on, or the hugest of hits). The battery powered unit is quite easy to make if anyone knows the number, or toss the formula at me and Ill figure it out.
I think With a 100w coil it will pull less then an amp your coil is what is pulling the amprige...your pid and ssr shouldnt add any amprige and to figure it out you divide watts by volts So 100w ÷120v =0.8333 amps


Well-Known Member
Well, I had this weekend off and I decided I was going to intellectually teach myself how to build an enail and get the knowledge down before I ordered my parts. I spent last night reading this entire thread, along with a couple on some other groups. This morning I read the one on reddit and then began looking for parts. I feel as If I have a good base knowledge to work off of now and an understanding of how everything works.

Auber seems to have great PID controllers as well as SSR's, being that's what everyone has recommended and I see on retailed units. Ive decided to use this PID along with this SSr, both from auber. I chose the Dual Temp screen just because that's my personal preference.

Im going to go ahead and use XLR male/female DIN connector for my coil and order another auber coil.

Heres my question and I hope this dosent seem kind of shady, I had a problem with my Auber 2nd Gen enail unit and had to get into contact with Auber, they gave me an access code along with a print of their PID parameters that they use in the units they sell so I could adjust some of them. Turns out the coil was bad was all, their PID settings are excellent IMO. Now I don't know if these settings are somewhat secretive or at least something they don't want shared, so im not going to post or share them, But could I use them to program the PID I order from them and achieve the same results?

One more thing. I had my coil shit out on my Auber unit almost immediately and was very disappointed. After working with Suyi via email with my problem, im very impressed with the company and their customer service, as well as my unit now that I have a proper functioning coil(PID settings back to stock). Which is one of the reasons I want to build a couple personal units using Auber parts.

Im looking to hearing your feedback BudBro and all other DIYers. Im excited for these builds, I wont be orderings parts for a couple weeks thoe.


Well-Known Member
I havent used any pid setting other than auto tunes and it keeps my nail perfect. The only thing that drops the temp is the carb cap. Straight nail set to 700 (reads at about 585-610 on my IR thermometer) drops to about 675-685 depending on how long the carb cap is held on. When we bump it up to 825 (about 700 on IR) we can finish dabs without the carb cap and it drops about 10 degrees and recovers in seconds. Thats also with quartz not TI so its expected to lose heat faster. When we dab at 700 on the pid and dont carb cap it drop about 5-10 but you leave a good amount behind without the carb cap just because of how our pieces hit.

The pid/ssr will work fine from what i can tell. If i were you id get a 20MM coil instead of the 16MM. Because when getting nails for it the 20mm will give you nails with bigger dabbing area and the 16mms make it kinda rough being so small.

Other than that the xlr connections should also work. Let me know if you need the quartz nails for the enails because im currently working with someone to make them for the 16mm and 20mm coils and therye working out really well for a good price.

Good luck in your build. Its really easy just like puttin together a puzzle or train track.
Well, I had this weekend off and I decided I was going to intellectually teach myself how to build an enail and get the knowledge down before I ordered my parts. I spent last night reading this entire thread, along with a couple on some other groups. This morning I read the one on reddit and then began looking for parts. I feel as If I have a good base knowledge to work off of now and an understanding of how everything works.

Auber seems to have great PID controllers as well as SSR's, being that's what everyone has recommended and I see on retailed units. Ive decided to use this PID along with this SSr, both from auber. I chose the Dual Temp screen just because that's my personal preference.

Im going to go ahead and use XLR male/female DIN connector for my coil and order another auber coil.

Heres my question and I hope this dosent seem kind of shady, I had a problem with my Auber 2nd Gen enail unit and had to get into contact with Auber, they gave me an access code along with a print of their PID parameters that they use in the units they sell so I could adjust some of them. Turns out the coil was bad was all, their PID settings are excellent IMO. Now I don't know if these settings are somewhat secretive or at least something they don't want shared, so im not going to post or share them, But could I use them to program the PID I order from them and achieve the same results?

One more thing. I had my coil shit out on my Auber unit almost immediately and was very disappointed. After working with Suyi via email with my problem, im very impressed with the company and their customer service, as well as my unit now that I have a proper functioning coil(PID settings back to stock). Which is one of the reasons I want to build a couple personal units using Auber parts.

Im looking to hearing your feedback BudBro and all other DIYers. Im excited for these builds, I wont be orderings parts for a couple weeks thoe.
I have ssr and other parts just email me at


Well-Known Member
Does anyone have 16mm 100w 5pin xlr coils for sale?
i dont but someone on this thread does. And IMO go with 20mm unless you already have/plan to put it on the highly educated enail adapter.

Were gonna have a lot of quartz nails for reasonable prices soon and the 16mm nails are just so small and the 20mm cost the same. just my 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
BudBro, How much for the quartz nails? Im looking to put together 5 complete set-ups with nails and coils. if I could get 5 coils(wired or unwired with plugs) and nails at a decent wholesale price, id like to talk. Also. I see some people recommend and use 5-8A SSR's. What is the overall opinion on this? 5A or 25A SSR? I've learned ALOT over the last few days and have also had a chance get into my PID settings on my auber unit and play with those . I feel confident I can put together a safe functioning and proper functioning unit to give to friends. tis the season and all :)

Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
BudBro, How much for the quartz nails? Im looking to put together 5 complete set-ups with nails and coils. if I could get 5 coils(wired or unwired with plugs) and nails at a decent wholesale price, id like to talk. Also. I see some people recommend and use 5-8A SSR's. What is the overall opinion on this? 5A or 25A SSR? I've learned ALOT over the last few days and have also had a chance get into my PID settings on my auber unit and play with those . I feel confident I can put together a safe functioning and proper functioning unit to give to friends. tis the season and all :)

Thanks in advance!
Were still workin the last few kinks out but i will have a price soon! Probably by early december.

As for SSRs ive never really messed with the smaller amp/size ones. If youre worried about size i wouldnt because the 25A ones are pretty small. Just from reading about SSRs i see one of the main problems in thermal management.

A 25A SSR is only supposed to be ran at 15-25 amps when it has a heat sink attached. So if youre using a 5-8 amp SSR drawing no more than 2 amps you can be good. I just like the extra room. Im using under 10% of the SSRs limit so heat will never be an issue. Not to say it will be for the 5-8 amp SSRs because i dont have enough experience to claim that. But it could be considering that 2 amps is now 1/4-1/2 the total amp limit and many recommend heat sinking over 50-75%.

So like i said you can use them. Many companies do. But i havent seen as many problems with enail SSRs until people started straying from the 25a ones to try to make them smaller. Id go with a good quality SSR no matter what you buy. Thatll probably make the biggest difference of whether it eventually fails. Good quality control and a company that has an ok warranty. Either way theyre cheap and replaceable.

Your PID should hopefully never fail unless theres some kind of short. SSRs are pretty tough but have a limited life "expectancy" of how many on/offs they can perform before the companies testing showed X% failed. Each companies level of failure % determines what theyre rated for so thats why a good company always helps. Coils are solid as long as you dont fuck with them. People never really have problems until they get a nail that doesnt fit perfect or try to fit it around a nail that isnt made for them. Other than that theres really nothing electronic that can break. I mean yes the cord can fry, the switch/fuse can fuck up, the box can crack. But honestly all that total is like 20 bucks. Maybe.

Thats the best part about DIY is once you get the wires figured out and in place even if a part broked every 6 months to a year youd average like $30 a year in money spent on heating nails. VS a lot more even for the most mild smoker.

My friend had one of those blue tank torches and wed go though a tank every month or so and thats when we were barely dabbin compared to now. So thats only $5 per tank so thats nothing crazy but convenience is a lot.

Now if you use butane and a hand torch VS the big tank torch we used youre spending at least $3-$5 per can plus the $25-$75 for the torch. Then going through a whole can within a week or so. That shit gets expensive real quick.

The convenience is really where the money starts to make sense too. When i dab its usually me and at least 1 other person, more commonly several. Were used to passing blunts, instant gratification, so heating nails and all that shit. AINT NO BODY GOT TIME FOR THAT!


Well-Known Member
Awesome BudBro! Thanks a ton! I will be using Auber's 25a SSR. They seem to really have great products and their customer service is right up there as well.


Well-Known Member
Awesome BudBro! Thanks a ton! I will be using Auber's 25a SSR. They seem to really have great products and their customer service is right up there as well.
Yup thats what i used. If youre just making your own no reason not to go with the 25a. If youre making them for sale and want to make them small and cheap for people to buy use the other ones. Either way youll be good!