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DIY easy spore printing

cap master

Well-Known Member
How to take a print: if u are planning on working with spores u must know how to print. its a great thing to keep your supply up for free. sterile conditions are a must or u will get contaminated spores.

the supplies u will need are quite simple
-a pair of rubber gloves
-a roll of aluminum foil
-Petri dishes or small glass cups
-roll of paper towels
-bottle of 90% isopropyl alcohol (75 will work if its all u can get)
-and of course your mature mushroom caps from your current harvest.

first step is to take a clean glass surface get everything u will need together clean your glass surface, scissors, dishes with alcohol, and lastly your hands with soapy water.

next u will want to put on your gloves.

after everything is set up and sterile lay out your roll of aluminum foil and use your scissors to cut 4"x8" sheets and lay them out smooth on your table.

next u will want to take a generously alcohol dampened paper towel and wipe all of your squares to make sure there is no chance of any contaminant left on them. this alcohol will evaporate and will not hurt the prints quality once dry.

once u have as many squares layed out as u will want spore prints u will want to take the mushrooms u have hand selected to spore farm and pop the caps off the stems set the stems aside for drying. the caps u will want to set one cap per square approx. the center of one half of the sheet so within the first 4"x4" side

after u have layed the caps out cover them with your sterilized petri dishes or cups. u do want to leave a bit of a gap to allow air flow so the fungi doesn't mold up. that's why I suggest investing in petri dishes bc they can then sit on top of the caps and the caps themselves will hold them off the foil a tad to allow air circulation.

leave the set up over night and once u have seen that the mushroom has dropped the spores wash your hands and put fresh gloves back on. this can take from 24-48 hours. once u have your gloves on u will want to remove the dish remove the cap and set that aside for drying. u will then take the other side of the foil that doesn't have a print on it and fold it over the spore side making a single 4"x4" square with 3 open sides. u can then fold the 3 open sides like u would roll a bag of chips and put this into a air tight ziplock bag.

repeat the folding for all the successful prints and label them according to strain. keep these in a dark dry place to help retain there quality. once you are ready to grow next season u can take a sterile knife and scrape the print into a distilled water solution inside a sterile cup. (the kind u would use for a piss test) and label this bottle with date and strain information. from there you can use sterile syringes to such up 10ccs each syringe and use them to inoculate your cakes, bags, or whatever substrate being used. happy growing!


Well-Known Member
Sweet! Noticing a lot of new shroom information popping up like... Mushrooms everywhere now that its closer to springtime and the shrooms and the weed are on everyone's mind. You guys are making this sound dangerously easy, easy enough I'm wondering why I didn't get curious earlier!!

cap master

Well-Known Member
it is seriously easy as long as your super sterile. that's the thing people don't realize is sterilization is key. if u get a drop of contam you are screwed bc that will spread u will have a bad case of the molds and have to throw your fruits away. moisture, temp, sterilization and substrate are the 4 most important things to consider and regulate during the process iv had a lot of people in my local area try to do it no one else ik ever has the success I do. I'm not too good with growing weed still learning and don't have a green thumb but I do have a fungus thumb. last year was a bad year tho bc it got soo hot in my fruit room I had a mold outbreak and had to toss a couple bins full. even with exhaust fans running

cap master

Well-Known Member
yeah but I'm not very good at growing weed. everyone makes it seem complicated when I grew outside one time when I was a teen I just planed them after they got 10-12 inchs and they grew growing in doors seems so complicated but shrooms I have a natural knack to grow. I got the fungis thumbgus


Well-Known Member
yeah but I'm not very good at growing weed. everyone makes it seem complicated when I grew outside one time when I was a teen I just planed them after they got 10-12 inchs and they grew growing in doors seems so complicated but shrooms I have a natural knack to grow. I got the fungis thumbgus
Growing good weed is really easy, just read a few books and your set
Thats every book I own, lol I know it's pathetic

Edit:my suggestion if you only want 1 book would be Ed rosinthal growers hand book
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Well-Known Member
Growing weed is easy, just set up with then right soil, organic is best and its really easy when all your nutrients are in the soil already


Well-Known Member
Growing weed is easy, just set up with then right soil, organic is best and its really easy when all your nutrients are in the soil already
Espescially "hempy style". Easiest form of technically hydro there is. Taught me a lot though. I could literally grow weed in/on just about anything if the main parameters are aligned correctly.

cap master

Well-Known Member
u know I do have the original copy of the ed and mel book but its from the early 90s so its torn up a bit and all highlighted in a also have sea of green by hans marijuana horticulture by Jorge Cervantes as well as his older book from his early years guerilla growing but it seems no matter how mutch I read it seems all my plants always end up with some kind of problem. I test my ph I test my tds I go easy on the first but still don't keep them deficient mix my own quality soil as well as temp regulate for them but something always happens and idk what I use cal mag supplements everything I can do? give them decent lighting iar and ventilation.... idk