Diy - Glass Pipe Monster

Really nice work.... love some good glass. Have always wanted to learn how to do it and hopefully some day i'll get a setup so that i can learn.... seems very hard though, especially without someone to show you the ways.


Active Member
cool thread man, i was wondering what type of torch you need if you want just the cheapest most ghetto start at blowing glass? the bare minimum of shit needed?


Active Member
do you know of any sites that sell used glass blowing equipment? any info on getting started as cheap as pos. would be awsome. thanx


Well-Known Member
Talkglass or "melting pot" is a good place to look. They have a glassifieds section. I sell graphite paddles and pads. So hit me up for those. Other than that I've had luck ok craigslist


Very creative !
Small question, suppose one would find a place with the right equipment, in how many days/weeks/months (/years ?) do you think an average person would be able to create a decent pipe/chillum or one like these ?


I was suspecting something like that, art can't be rushed.
Just googled my region and apparently someone will start giving courses ~10 miles away.
Don't know what I'll do..., but your tutorial certainly increased my interest !


10/10 For this tutorial, Shame i'll never have the skill/tools nor patience to do this at the moment. Hopefully ill get to use this in the future!