diy grow box


Active Member
newbie here been doin a lot of reading and trial and error actually gettin a decent yield this time a friend is gonna start growing his own and asked me why doesnt anybody just use a box with soil instead of all the pots the only thing i could come up with besides the fact that everybody in the whole indoor grow world is using pots was every plant doesnt need watered at the same time and nutes that r enough for one plant might b too much for another welcome any info on this subject


Well-Known Member
Don't forget that roots get tangled and that they will fight for water

not to mention a problem with one could turn into a problem with all


newbie here been doin a lot of reading and trial and error actually gettin a decent yield this time a friend is gonna start growing his own and asked me why doesnt anybody just use a box with soil instead of all the pots the only thing i could come up with besides the fact that everybody in the whole indoor grow world is using pots was every plant doesnt need watered at the same time and nutes that r enough for one plant might b too much for another welcome any info on this subject
not just that...though that is a good one..but it's easier to tend to one sick plant seprately than it would be to say...tend to the little sick girl in the middle of a box and could possibly iffect the's just easier in the long run if you're serious about your medication/weed:joint::hump:


Active Member
thanks ,some people r just hard headed and refuse to learn maybe after my friend fails a few times he will follow suit and maybe try the proven methods


Well-Known Member
sometimes ur going to want to move the plants to prune them or turn them round for light penetration and its a lot easier to lift one pot with one plant than a box loaded with them