
Active Member
After seeing the high prices of grow tents i decided to go with a cost effective DIY-but-not-ghetto-rigged tomato?box..
Check out my album!

I purchased a polyurethane plastic on a roll, various pvc pieces and pvc pipe, duct tape(blk), duct fan(i bought aluminum but it SUCKS i needed insulated DUH! on my part), I also bought timer, light and etc etc. etc.

bascially i constructed a basic frame and 'wrapped' with polythane its durable to it supprts aluminum duct that has bathroom extract. of course top face of box has middle pvc support for light hanging -

I think its gonna be one hellofa tomato growing box :D

This is the box before it was fully wrapped

I wrapped the box completely then cut out a big hole and then made like a cover that is secured at the bottom and the edges are folded so they fit nicely over the edge of the box and all around the cover is velcro that secures the removable door/cover thing that I made... Pretty nifty , it is 100% light proof not a lick of light shows..

The vent system wrapped with bedfoam stuff? lol
Everything is ducted taped severly and securely. I have PLENTY of space this thing is like damn 5.5 ft tall and 3 ft wide 2ft deep... i designed it for closet grow but my subconscious mind somehow made it bigger??? lol in other words i miscalculated because of the pvc fittings adding extra length ;) oh well

if you find this post informative give me some rep or kudos w/e lol

and build one yourself!! it beats spending 200 on tent

i spent in whole including dimmer, fan, duct, tape, plastic, pvc, = $120

and thats not bad for something that is able to be designed to fit your space needs

this post is getting redicuously long time to end my friends


Well-Known Member
thats awesome man

i need a temporary grow cab/tent for an small 4 foot high underground cellar i am
currently veggin some plants in to put outside for summer

the problem was it has a very small door and anything i put in there to grow had to
be made in pieces to get through it

i already have the plastic film and some pipe, just need some connectors!!!

great idea!



Well-Known Member
thats pretty tight man, ive almost built somethin like that, but i didnt wanna use just any plastic to wrap is so i sided against it cuz the heat issues. do you know what kinda temps u get in there?


Active Member
I ran with the light on at differnt fan speeds with no other fan just exhaust and it topped at with lowest sppeed 80.F .. I only have 70w hps but I will get 250 and I will run fan at max speed and I will have computer fans in box for general air movementTemp aint a issue


Active Member
Big Kudos!!!!!

Any way of getting to the end cheaper and with less exposure to the grow industry is a good thing.

It seems that if a source for a durable IR and light blocking material could be found cheaply then this type of thing might appeal to more folks.


Active Member
thanks for kudos! im putting aluminum foil on walls now cuz cant find no damn mylar and where the sam hell is 'mergency blankets?? ;) - foil is straight now

i caulked exhaust and intake holes where aluminum ducts are - the whole thing needs another roll a duct tape to be honest because when you do side for side you tighten it up and eventually the first side you did gets pulled loose a bit - so just take note of that..

im about to start a headband grow journal seeds have not yet been germinated tho, i got some cronic bagseed of unknown strain its super dense but yet sativa look?, i dunno i seen plant right after harvest...maybe a 50/50 hybrid? as you can see i have plenty of space :) and i have the fan on dimmer but its not even loud without dim so i'll prob leave on high speed unless i need it to hush lol

Thank you all for viewing my thread and taking interest, i figured it would become of some good use.. saving money is definently important, and like you said Heyoka less exposure to grow industry


Well-Known Member
dont use foil it creates hot spots and is literally the worse thing you can use for reflective material and emergency blankets are jsut as bad man. just to let oyu know.
but other than that that is awesome i think you inspired me to build one of my own but i will be going for a 6ftx6ftx6ft bow.....nice man thats pretty sweet!


Well-Known Member
yeah man that is pretty sweet... if i was able to find some panda film or some other plastic for a cheap price..then yeah i would build this... its giving me ideas tho.. and those emergency blankets prob in camping section at walmart.. or hardware store, or military store....i got mine at osh tho.....



Active Member
just check out flooring section for polyurethane plastic; they will prob have clear and black, they may have white too, i need to get some white or mylar- aluminum foil is crap i think.... i bought a roll for 12 bucks of the black plastic and its 100& lightproof - i only wrapped with one layer...

it was more than enough to cover the 5x3x4 box or w/e it is and plus some!


Active Member
i just took it apart im rebuilding because i kinda did make it too big.. haha

if you guys decide to build it make sure you take note of the length of the connectors, they may throw you off a bit.. lol

so im rebuilding and i plan on making step by step guide for whomever interested - it shall be fun! its perfect for closet growers! my new design will be about...5ft long,3.5ft tall and exactly 22 inch wide. so it can fit in my closet - i need to go stealth mode. why not so it can be there and no one see it :O

it shall be posted soon amigos


Active Member
How about using panda film? Sure it costs a little more, but one side is white white would eliminate the need for mylar. It is does not allow any light to escape.

Also I would suggest these if you are looking to make a door: Discount Hydroponics - Tarp Zip-Up

They work great. You do need to put a piece over the zipper otherwise the white glows when the lights are on.

I also suggest vinyl tape for all of your seams.


Active Member
i bought at lowes... only 12 for a roll of it .... i shoulda went with panda film because i just bought flat white paint today to paint inside what a bitch lol... id really rather not use the credit card anyway


Well-Known Member
Nice... Good post...

I am just about finished with my home made 600 watt tent...

Tell me what you think...





Active Member
oh yea that thing is bad ass haha

mines heading toward that, i have much more work to do though as far as mounting lights and things..

how did you construct your frame? did you use anything other than plastic for faces of box?

It looks much more sturdier than mine.... I need to mount some shoplights horizontally and i dont know how?.. by the way i made a new box i will post pics soon - I tore the other one apart and salvaged some things because it was way too big, my ol lady was like "are you serious?" lol so now i got it fit inside of closet... its still a big damn box though

kudos for that bad ass grow box no doubt!


Well-Known Member
cronicspade said:
oh yea that thing is bad ass haha
Thanks... I tried to build something that will keep me happy for years to come...

cronicspade said:
how did you construct your frame?
The frame is from a $25 "rubbrmaid wardrobe", purchased at wal mart...

Hope this helps...

cronicspade said:
did you use anything other than plastic for faces of box?
Frame and 6 MIL B&W Panda film... wooden shelf at the bottom... very lightweight plastic shelf on top... oh and lots of tape... nothing else... soft sides...

cronicspade said:
It looks much more sturdier than mine....
I haven't seen yours, but these frames are built to bear the weight of a bunch of coats... it's sturdy enough by far...

cronicspade said:
I need to mount some shoplights horizontally and i dont know how?..
I would copy what I have going for lights...

A cooltube allows me to have a 600 HPS 10 inches from my plants... and the temp is 70F to 74F max...

Best investment of my grow... by far...

cronicspade said:
kudos for that bad ass grow box no doubt!
Thanks.... let me know if you have any other questions...

Best of Luck..



Well-Known Member
i wish i could find a store that had panda film or maylar... where did u get that polyfilm????
hydro shop... I paid $110 for a 10' x 100' roll... 1000 sq ft...

If I buy more frames, I can make 10 tents for under $500...

Works good too...

Good Luck...