DIY:how to check if you have light leaks to the grow room


Well-Known Member
maybe its too obvious but if not...
light leaks to the grow room during dark hours can be a big problem, i thought about a way to check if light penetrates to my closet and this is what i came up with :
take a digital camera, put it on self timer (10 or 15 seconds) in a a night mode and suppress the flash.
put the camera on something in the height of your top plants and press the button.
close all the doors and simulate the environment on your dark hours.
if you are getting a dark picture, you are good.

DSC_0622 (large).jpg

simple and effective.


Active Member
not a bad idea. the higher the shutter speed the better chance you have to catch a glimpse of light and it should be very definite. lol i think thats right...


Active Member
Hah, that's way better than just standing around in the dark for fifteen or twenty minutes like I always do.


Well-Known Member
haha i do the same stand in the closet forever haha that made me bust out laughing plus rep to you


Pickle Queen
lmfao fuck i sat inside my box for like 10 mins
Note to self, check if camera has timer


Active Member
most lights are pretty damn bright....stand outside your box or room with the light on inside it. if you see light leaking out....well its not a one way street

Total Head

Well-Known Member
it's so obvious but i never thought of it. my closet is in a spare room that i can keep dark, but i have to keep the bedroom door open a bit to let some heat in. i have a grow tent in there on a different light cycle than the closet and it's not lightproof but i don't think it's a problem. now i can know for sure.


Active Member
any cheap solutions for light leaks in a closet (on the inside) ive got black garbage bags up but that isnt completely cutting it, any ideas?


Well-Known Member
Your easiest sure way to block the light is with black/white poly vinyl. I thing I got a 10x20ft for $20. The black side blocks the light from coming from the outside/inside and the white side reflects light back to the plant. Its easy to clean and durable. One of the few really good investments.
sorry its bucks over the pond isnt it?u no wot a mean.good joke six quid......................slang words for english money jacks is 5 pound......cockles is 10....score is 20......ton is 100.........monkey is 500.bag of sand is a grand 1000..........................roll on