DIY - "Howitzer" Foil Vaporizer


Well-Known Member
Hello, RIU members and guest. Today after making some hash oil from my bud trimming. I really didn't have anything to "smoke" my oil from so I decided to make a vaporizer. Since I really didn't want to go to the store or anything and pick up supplies I looked around the house for something to use. Thought about trying the " ". But I don't have any bulbs laying around. Than thought about but i didn't want to go through all that hard work just for a little oil. I have seen a few quick and easy foil vaps before were they bend it into a spoon or a little bowl. But those usually require a secondary device to inhale the vapor with. I have foil and they only took a few minutes to make, but i wanted something all in one so this is what i came up with.



Well-Known Member
Step-1) A sheet of aluminum foil 6 by 12 inch approx. Pic 1
Step-2) Fold the sheet into quarters with edge facing in. Pic 2 and 3
Step-3) rip the foil about and inch a half on each side. Pic 4

Thread is ongoing please don't post until you see the "FLAME"



Well-Known Member
Step-4) Need something round like a pen or broke tv antenna. Pic 1
Step-5) Rollthe long peice of foil around the round thing of which you have found. pic 2
Step-6) FOld the edge of the small section together and form the vap bowl. pic 3
Step-7) bend down and add an extra peice of foil aorund the pipe for heat disapation.



Well-Known Member
yes, there is a link between aluminum and alzhiemers but no one knows if high aluminum in the blood causes alzhiemers or the other way around
There is a simpler way to do this people. Simply tape a straw or pen tube to the handle of a spoon. heat it up in the spoon then just pull easy on the straw. I still love the ingenuity regardles of the aluminum. These people act like they never smoke out of a beer can before.
I was king of making beer can pipes in grade 7/8 before I was any good at rolling j's. I remember the first J i ever rolled, it was my last bit of weed and I had to leave my parents house to smoke, so I hide between a boatload of pallets in the factory next doors parking lot and light it up. It was so damned loosed the paper burned all the way down, my weed spilled onto the groud and the wind blew it away. I was dissapointed. but alas 15 years later I can roll A+, and get my gf to do it every time because she's not that good and there's only one way to learn. Keep smokin boys


Yeah did you not know aluminum foil is used for cooking and storing food? (face palm)

Well its cool you posted a little guide on it. Not my cup of tea, I personally would have retrofitted something to my tube.