Yes it could be a good idea to use only one royal blue/ 2XTE / 4 oslon 660 or 1RB/ 3XTE / 3 oslon 660
Maybe it would be best to use the XTE to provide the 630nm rather than the oslon JS. Based on the datasheet the JS bin is a minimum of 23.75% efficient @700mA @60c versus the 2T 660 and the XTE R2 which are both about 33-34% efficient under the same conditions.
how can you know that the 625nm JS is 23,75% efficiency@700mA??? the flux is in lm on the datasheet, how can you convert lumens to mW?
same question for the warmwhite XTE, how can you convert to mW and find the efficiency? this is the question i'm trying to resolve since 18 mounths

. Maybe you are using a software? from knna??
Originally KNNA recommended 100cm2 of heatsink per dissipation watt and we were expecting max heatsink temps of 50c. That was when we were using the 26% lamp. Those numbers worked as expected so now I am aiming for much lower heatsink temps ~35c using the same amount of surface area 100cm2/watt.
It is a very empirical method to find the size of the heatsink, and in most cases it works, especially with U aluminium.
But cooling is related to heatsink shape too, heatsink position, and if it is raw aluminium or black anodised.
For raw anodised heatsink, fins shine the one on the other one, and this phenomenon is less present with black anodised heatsink, so black heatsinks are more efficient with passive cooling. If you add a small fan on a raw aluminium heatsink it is going to improve a lot the cooling. With a fan, black anodisation or oxydation does not play anymore its role.
There is a simple method to measure the junction temperatures to verify the heatsink, with a multimeter and a small temperature probe, but you need a multimeter with temperature function.
Measure the Tcase of the LED, here is the calculation.
Maybe you know all this, it is just my experience feedback, maybe it could be useful for somebody.