DIY seeding/cloning cabinet


Well-Known Member
Yeah I was looking at those for when I clone. My jiffy pellets I break up. While they f soaking I squeeze the sides to busy them up. Do you need a special tray to keep them upright?

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
I mounted a 4" fan to the wall, ducted in my humidifier and added 3 more 23w CFLs.
when I looked at your OP, my first thoughts were...really nice but my only criticism would be having CFL bulbs straight up/ I was going to suggest splitters to get them on an angle and extra bulbs would be a bonus....but I see you are 2 steps ahead of me

I would recommend that you move your plants closer under the CFL' an inch or two.....23 watts won't burn them

question: your first set of CFL bulbs are 6500K.....what temp/rating are the 3 additional bulbs?


Well-Known Member
i added a 2700 and 5000k bulb today. No more humidifier either. My RH in the house came up to around 45% since the furnace has been running more and more. My one Dairy Queen got some brown edges the other day. So far nobody has been able to tell me what it is. They dont think its anything to worry about either.


Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
looking good.....45% is perfect, but don't worry too much about RH, just not that critical..... temp is more important

the brown edges are telling you something is not do worry

Assuming you are not using nutes, or have nute enriched soil..... it's likely over watering need to let the cup get feather light before watering next time

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
days does not's all about how dry the soil becomes.

IMHO push the limit and let it get really dry before watering next time, better to underwater than overwater


Well-Known Member
After adding the 2700 & 5000k bulbs it is so bright it hurts to open the door! The 6500s I could at least work without glasses on. Not anymore. Might add a second fan and carbon filters next grow. Not sure what type of filter I should use. Probably have to build something.


Well-Known Member
scrap the filters........4" pc fan will NOT pull air through them. might have to live without it and just use air fresheners in the room cause I dont want to change fan size. This one is about perfect for this little cabinet.